Friday, February 1, 2008

Early to bed, early to rise...

Today, four days ahead of what the mainstream media has been calling "Super Tuesday," Ellie and I went to the local public library and cast our votes in the Georgia presidential primary. I really like advance voting, which is not the same thing as voting absentee. (Voting absentee means you plan to be out of your precinct on voting day. Voting in advance means you can be anywhere you like on voting day, even at home.) At my age, I don't want to stand in long lines any more than absolutely necessary. We were in and out of the library in very short order today. Given the predictions of a heavy turnout on Tuesday, the folks who wait until then to vote probably won't be as fortunate.

Now, if only some bright inventor out there can come up with a way to do advance checkout at the supermarket.

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<b>Words mean something </b>

I love a joke Red Skelton told about a spaceship that landed on Earth. Two aliens got out. The first thing they saw was a parking meter. ...