Monday, August 25, 2008


Continuing with yesterday’s theme (It’s Sunday; let’s do something religious), I had what for me was a very strange experience listening to the radio recently. We are now well into the 21st century, and in the Atlanta area, at least, that means one hears advertisements from churches smack-dab in the middle of news and talk-show programs. You know, where you go straight from Neal Boortz, Libertarian apologist, to “Hello, I’m Bryant Wright, and I’m the pastor of Johnson Ferry Baptist Church.” One minute you’re listening to Clark Howard, Consumer Advocate, tell you how to spend wisely and live well, and the next minute a new voice is saying, “...this has been a message from David Cooper, pastor of the Mount Paran Church of God.”

Well, old Doctor Bob Jones, Sr., founder of Bob Jones University, did once say many years ago, “There is no difference in the sacred and the secular. All ground is holy ground, and every bush is a burning bush,” but there’s still something a little jolting about suddenly hearing a commercial for a church in the middle of, say, Sean Hannity’s program. It’s just bizarre.

I may be a little too comfortably ensconced in my little corner of the evangelical world, but I was surprised one day recently to hear, just after Scott Slade had concluded the hourly news update, a pitch for the Episcopal Bookstore at The Cathedral of St. Philip in Atlanta. I mean, I’m aware there are such things as Christian bookstores -- Family Bookstore used to be Zondervan, for example, and what is now called Lifeway used to be the Southern Baptist Bookstore -- but I wasn’t even aware there was such a thing as an Episcopal bookstore. Imagine that! It made me want to run right over there and buy one of those WWACD bracelets (and, no, they weren’t mentioned in the commercial).

You know, What Would the Archbishop of Canterbury Do?


  1. Even though I consider myself half American (the left side I think, or maybe just my left leg), most, if not all, of those radio references went over my head.

    Having travelled across every US state (except Alaska) I do however know what you mean about religious radio adverts, especially in the bible belt. Makes me glad to have cds.

    Sadly I've no idea what the A of C would say (I did Google WWACD first), as he keeps a low profile in my life.

  2. Ian, good to see you on the blog! Neal and Clark and Scott are all "at home" in the Atlanta market, although Neal's and Clarks' programs are syndicated. I believe they are on WDBO-AM in Atlanta, and possibly also out of Fort Myers or Naples or Tampa. Not that I think you'll be frantically trying to get them while you're in Sebring!

    Imagine my further surprise when I also Googled WWACD just now and brought up "What would Ann Coulter do?" -- almost as much surprise as when it dawned on me that you and Daphne were not married like Yellow Swordfish and Depp Effect.

  3. I meant to say "Clark's"...

    and WDBO-AM in Orlando...

    You get in a hurry, you see what happens...


<b>How not to win friends and influence people </b>

I remember watching television in 1968 as anti-Vietnam War protesters yelled, "Hey, hey, LBJ, how many kids did you kill toda?" ...