Friday, December 22, 2017

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas

Adoption day:

All right, Mr. DeMille, I'm ready for my close-up:

O Christmas tree, O Christmas tree, how lovely are thy branches:

Tonight all three of us will schlaf in himmlischer ruh....


  1. Happy adoption day Abigail. I suspect that the three of you will benefit.
    And a very Happy Christmas to you all too.

  2. the pup and the tree are beautiful!

  3. Great wee dog. Have a wonderful time.

  4. Cute puppy. I know you will all be happy together.

  5. Merry Christmas to you and yours. I think it's wonderful that you've adopted a sweet little dog. I haven't dropped off the face of the Earth, but some days I'm hanging by my fingernails. I hope you and your family are all well. Happy New Year to you. Cyber hugs from the Arkansas Stamper.

  6. Aw! What a cute little doggie and how splendid that you acquired him/her from an adoption centre! Does your new family member have a name or are you just going to call him/her Dog?

  7. And a merry Christmas to you too, Yorkshire Pudding! You can’t just pop in and expect to get the thread. The adoption story began in the previous post (please read) and the doggie’s name was revealed in the comments section of that post. else how would Sue have known it in her comment on this post? P.S. - We are being very English this year (inadvertently) and having our family’s exchange of gifts on Boxing Day (something most Americans have never heard of) due to a conflict in scheduling.

  8. Thanks to all of you for commenting — I didn’t mean to neglect you! — Sue/EC, kylie, ADRIAN, Emma, and Pat (long time no hear from). Abigail has admirers in Australia, Scotland, Nebraska, Arkansas, and we must not forget Sheffield in Yorkshire in England either. She is very appreciative and would kiss you all if she could.

  9. How beautiful! All three of you I mean, it's a joy to see and I know you'll get so much extra love from the wee pup and what a lovely home to end up in too. Felicitations to one and all! Enjoy yourselves x Michelle

  10. Thank you, Michelle! This dog has been a joy right from the start. It’s a mutual love affair!

  11. I want that dog, and I think that it would reflect well upon you to send her to me, and I know that you would want to be reflected well upon. I ask you to do this because Abby looks so sweet and thoughtful in a sweet and thoughtful sort of way, and because while you can always get another dog, I can't get any dog (much less a sweet and thoughtful dog) because dogs are rare in Oregon. I might see one every two or three years, but when I strike up a conversation with the owner, he or she is always from out of state. I don't know why dogs don't live in Oregon. Maybe they hate the long gray drizzily winters. By the way, where was the top photo made? I ask because the walls are of concrete block, and while the place looks like it could be someone's home (or even your church), I doubt that it's your home because if it is, then you must have two Christmas trees, because I would bet heavily (that is if I were a better) that the bottom photo was made in your home, a place that is beloved and treasured by me because you and the Mrs. live in it. And how about that organ?! You've been holding out of me. I didn't know you had an organ, and I assume that it IS your organ. Maybe you've mentioned it a hundred times, but I either didn't see the post or I forgot it.

    I know you got Abby from a humane society, but do you know anything about her life up to now? Is she adjusting well? Does she seem like a happy dog overall? Who was the driving force behind getting a dog? Did either of you have to be persuaded by the other? Did you get a dog because you have cat envy based upon the fact that I just got a fourth cat, but you didn't want to get a cat because it would have amounted to a confession that you envied me my cats?

    Much love to you and Mrs. Plague. I will send you a photo of Peggy, me, and our two new British reindeers.

    I think I already said, "much love," but I don't want to have to reread my comment to be sure so,

    Much love,

  12. A late but detailed response to Snowbrush, who may never see it, but it simply can’t be helped. (a) Everybody wants to be reflected well upon, at least those who have any sense do. (b) The top photo was made in the lobby of the Humane Society of Forsyth County, Georgia, a no-kill facility. (c) Your instincts are correct; the bottom photo was made in our home. (d) You did know that I was given an organ a few years back. You even commented on it at the time. (e) Abby was part of a group of dogs rescued from a hoarding situation. She is adjusting very well, but we didn’t hear her bark until today, 15 days after she came to live with us. She seemed frightened for a few days but has lavished us with kisses from the beginning. (f) It has been four years since Jethro had congestive heart failure, and neither of us was ready for another pet for a while. Ellie has been ready for about six months now, me more recently. It was time. (g) Neither of us has cat envy. We get to see Gracie at my son’s house and Smokey at my daughter’s house occasionally and they are, by extension, our cats as well. We like them and they like us.

  13. "A late but detailed response to Snowbrush, who may never see it, but it simply can’t be helped."

    When one signs up to receive comments, they keep coming until one un-signs (or de-signs), so I can but assume that you thought I was dead.

    "I was given an organ a few years back. You even commented on it at the time."

    Yes, but I somehow thought that it was a kidney. I must have gotten you confused with the blogger who, when her son got a kidney from a corpse, she went out and gave one of her kidneys to a stranger. I failed to see her act in a generous light and so came away weirded out by it.

  14. I just came back to enjoy the photos again, especially the top one.


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