Thursday, July 24, 2008

Mangia! Mangia! (The summer journey continues)

Last evening our choir rehearsal room was transformed into a cozy little Italian ristorante because this week’s announced destinations were “Rome and Venice.” Oddly, I saw no evidence of either Rome or Venice, but upon entering the dimly lit room I heard music playing (some guy on a CD singing in Italian) and noticed several tables covered in red-and-white checkered tablecloths (courtesy of Maggiano’s). It could have been somewhere in Tuscany somewhere or possibly Newark, New Jersey. Each table was lit by candles and included a beautiful centerpiece of ivy (courtesy of Tina H.). From along one wall, the food-laden tables called to us. There were several pans of excellent lasagna (homemade by Chaundra K.); breadsticks and salad, two kinds, with and without olives (courtesy of Olive Garden); and the piéce de resistance (oops, that’s French, not Italian) and my personal favorites, two desserts: tiramasu and an Italian cream cake (courtesy of Carolyn S.). I wore the only Italian thing I could find at our house, an orange shirt with a label that said Alfani (and the words “Made in India”).

Needless to say, a good time was had by all, and choir practice followed. Have you ever tried to sing on a full stomach? Fortunately, I was playing the piano.


  1. Here it is, not 8 a.m. I've had my usual morning coffee, but suddenly have been attacked by a craving for Italian food! Mama Mia!

  2. The last time I sang, people left the state!

  3. Sheesh, you're killing me. Thank God I have a dinner date to go to Olive Garden (with a girlfriend) next Wednesdday.

  4. Pat and Ruth, sorry to have you salivating but glad you came by the blog!

    And David--I checked your profile and you're the first Australian to comment here. Welcome!

  5. P.S. I spaced out. I wanted to make sure to thank you for your encouraging words on my blog today. They meant a great deal to me.

  6. I'll say it again.....your choir rehearsals are beyond my comprehension! But, what fun!

    After surfing madly through as many Skywatch posts as I could this evening, my sky-filled eyes read your story "Silver". Excellent! As I'm plum or plumb out of post ideas tonight, I'm going to link to it tomorrow.....hope that's OK.

    You were more of a farm kid than I've ever was, I think. Quite the experiences you had!


<b>How not to win friends and influence people </b>

I remember watching television in 1968 as anti-Vietnam War protesters yelled, "Hey, hey, LBJ, how many kids did you kill toda?" ...