Friday, September 26, 2008

Blame it on Jeannelle*

Rindercella And The Prandsome Hince

Once upon a time in a coreign fountry
there was a geautiful birl, whose name was Rindercella.
Rindercella had a mugly other
and two sisty uglers.
Also in this coreign fountry
there was a prandsome hince
and the prandsome hince was going to have a bancy fall.
Rindercella’s mugly other
and her two sisty uglers went out
and bought dancy fresses for the bancy fall
but poor Rindercella couldn’t go
because she had nothing but rirty dags.
So on the night of the bancy fall,
Rindercella’s mugly other
and her two sisty uglers
put on their dancy fresses
and went to the bancy fall.
And since poor Rindercella couldn’t go
she cat down and sried.
Suddenly, her gairy fodmother appeared
before her and
touched her with her wagic mond
and turned her into a peautiful brincess
and then gave her a kig boach
and hix sorses so Rindercella
could go to the bancy fall.

So off went Rindercella.
When she got to the bancy fall
the prandsome hince met her at the door.
He had watched her come up
in her kig boach and
hix sorses from a widden hindow.
Rindercella and the prandsome hince
danced all night long and
the prandsome hince lell in fove
with Rindercella.
When the prandsome hince was
just about to quop the prestion,
Rindercella heard the moke of stridnight
so she turned, staced down the rairs and
when she got to the stottom bep
she slopped her dripper.

The next day the prandsome hince
went all over his coreign fountry
looking for the geautiful birl
who had slopped her dripper.
When he got to Rindercella’s house
he tried it on her mugly other,
but it fidnt dit!
He tried it on her two sisty uglers
but it fidnt dit.
And he tried it on Rindercella
and it fid dit!
So they were mappily harried
and hived lappily ever after.

Ee Thend!

Now, the storal of the mory is this: If you ever go to a bancy fall and want to have a prandsome hince lall in fove with you, don’t forget to slop your dripper!

This priceless version of an immortal story was part of the act of the late American comedian Archie Campbell, whom you may remember from his days on Hee Haw. Those two words, Hee Haw, are a phrase that until today I thought would never appear in my blog, but it just proves that one never knows what the future may hold.

If Archie were still alive (he died in 1987), he could also entertain us with his hilarious rendition of The Pee Little Thrigs or my personal favorite, Beeping Sleuty.

These unique retellings of familiar fairy tales were created by using “spoonerisms,” which are a trick of language named after the very real verbal foibles of one William Archibald Spooner.

*This post sprang into existence fully grown, like Athena from the forehead of Zeus, upon reading Jeanelle of Iowa’s comment on yesterday’s post. I had mentioned that Mrs. Rhymeswithplague said to tell you she has become a blogger widow, and Jeannelle said to “tell Mrs. Rhymeswithplague that we’re appreciative of her putting up with your hogging blobby.....I mean, blogging hobby!” Send all poison pen letters to Jeanelle, c/o Iowa, USA.


  1. Oh man this had me laughing as well as the farmer. He always is saying "that just makes me slop my drippers" when he is surprised or talking about food. It just makes our daughters disgusted. They say it sounds gross and gives them a vision in their heads of a pig standing there with slobber dribbling down his shirt.

    He also teases the granddaughters with the beeping sleauty story. It makes our three-year-old granddaughter very frustrated with him that he calls her precious Sleeping Beauty by the wrong name. Little bossy surely lets him know.

  2. This was hilarious. My favorites were gairy fodmother and slopped her dripper.

    I've always loved spoonerisms. I used to have friends named Jim and Dottie. (They've both passed on now.) He could go off on these vague tangential stories, and she was a very energetic go-getter. More than once, I called them Dim and Jottie by mistake. Fortunately, never to their faces.

  3. I remember Archie and Hee Haw with affection. Thanks for the memories, Pransome Hince!

    Did you ever run across the Spoonerized version of The Goose That Laid the Golden Egg? That was one of my favorites as a teenager (which was looooong before Archie Campbell hit the air waves.) In that story, the folks that dispatched the bird "knocked the loose for a goop with a whasty nack on the nop of the toggin. Goor little poose!"

    The amazing thing about all of this is that (assuming we know the original story) we have no difficulty whatsoever in following the mixed up version of the story. Our brains just sort it out.

  4. Oh, that I'm back seated on my chair after the laugh attack......very good and just what I needed to lighten up my day! Thank you! I never imagined that comment would lead to this, though! I was half asleep last night when I typed it.

    And, yes thanks for the memories of Hee Haw.......we were glued to it every week. Wish I could find reruns playing on our stations; we don't have cable, though. Maybe I should try calling "BR-549"......

    Or.....if only I had a "gairy fodmother" to grant my wishes!

    Have a wonderful, light-hearted day!!

  5. Vonda, Ruth, Pat, Jeannelle -- Glad to bring a little merriment your way!

  6. Hello sir! Thanks for dropping by my blog. Scanning yours I can easily see that you have been beavering away for quite some time with a wide range of blogposts. I have actually been to Georgia. Where is Cherokee County and did the Cherokee "Native Americans" actually hail from Georgia? We loved Savannah... Mrs Wilkes's Boarding House - a lunch to die for....

  7. Mr. Pudding (I can't call you Yorkshire yet because I don't know you well enough; that would be Hasty of me): Cherokee County, Georgia, is slightly northwest of Atlanta. We're about an hour from Atlanta's airport. The states of Alabama and North Carolina also have Cherokee Counties. The Cherokee Indian nation originally covered several of our southeastern states. Many of the Cherokee Indians were "relocated" (force marched) to Oklahoma, then known as the Indian Territory, in the 1830's; thousands died along the way on the infamous Trail of Tears. The Cherokees are now divided into an Eastern Band and a Western Band. A wonderful outdoor drama called "Unto These Hills" is held each summer in Cherokee, North Carolina, that explains quite a bit of their history and I highly recommend it.

    I too married a nurse. I know that your wife's name is Shirley and that you have two children, Ian and Frances. But how do you wish to be addressed? I see that some people call you YP.

    Thanks so much for coming to my blog. I believe you are the fifth person in the U.K. to comment here, and I am grateful to each of you.

  8. P. S. - I have lived near Atlanta for 33 years and have never been to Savannah.

  9. "Trail of Tears" by John McFee & Andre Pessis:

    To the land of the Cherokee sky

    They stole like a thief in the night

    Preaching what was wrong and right

    From the altar of blood and knife

    Blood flowing like a river

    The wind will cry a different song forever

    In the cold winter sun

    The old and the young

    Marching under the gun

    Leaving what was theirs

    For a thousand years

    On the Trail of Tears


    Broken promises of endless peace

    Victims all of the white man's greed

    They call it manifest destiny

    Turning people into refugees

    Blood flowing like a river

    The wind will cry a different song forever

    In the cold winter sun

    The old and the young

    Marching under the gun

    Leaving what was theirs

    For a thousand years

    On the Trail of Tears


    Your comment brought Southern Pacific's haunting song to mind......I had just heard it the other day on the way home from Pella.

    Oddly enough......Iowa also has a Cherokee County whose county seat is the town of Cherokee (pop.5400).


<b>How not to win friends and influence people </b>

I remember watching television in 1968 as anti-Vietnam War protesters yelled, "Hey, hey, LBJ, how many kids did you kill toda?" ...