Friday, October 8, 2010


Last night, the Atlanta Braves lost the first game of the National League Division Series playoffs to the San Francisco Giants by a score of 1-0.

We were robbed.

(Associated Press photo -- click to enlarge)

Buster Posey, the player who made the winning run, is shown above trying to slide into second base on a steal from first base in the fourth inning. His foot is about three miles from second base, and he is clearly being tagged out by Atlanta Brave Brooks Conrad.

The umpire called him safe.

He went on to score the game’s winning run on a two-out single by Cody Ross later in the inning. Neither team would score again.

“I saw him safe,” said second-base umpire Paul Emmel. “That’s what I called.”

Did I mention they were playing in San Francisco?

To give the umpire his due, this is the angle at which he saw Posey’s attempted steal:

(Associated Press photo)

But clearly there’s a place for instant replay in baseball. Football has it, and everything stops until the referees review the play. If they were wrong, the call is reversed. Why not do the same thing in baseball?

In the meantime, let’s kill the umpire.

This is the first time in seven years that San Francisco has been in the post-season playoffs. This is the first time in five years that Atlanta has been in the post-season playoffs. So emotions and hopes are running high.

I’m beginning to understand why Yorkshire Pudding is so caught up with his team in whatever sport they’re playing over there.


  1. What I would like to know is why those baseball players are wearing pyjamas? Wouldn't sports tops with shorts be more appropriate garb? Sorry Atlanta lost. Better luck next year.

  2. Just how much loooonnnnnggggger would a baseball game be if there were instant replay?

    I only go to baseball games for the seventh inning stretch anyway.

    Would like to see Atlanta beat them sometime.

  3. RWP: get over it. They all blow calls. If you want good umpiring, let's just have lasers decide which is a ball and which a strike and what is fair and what is foul.

    YP: They where plus fo9urs, not pyjamas, have for over ahunfdred years and noyt about to change it, s=specially e=when the temperatures are in the 50's in San Francisco.

    Mountain: The ball in the Suoer Bowl is "in play" for 11 minutes. %The rest is standing and commercials and huddloes and TV time outs. Baseball hyas a VERY busy 14 minutes of baseball. W@ho syas it is slow?




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