Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Thoracic Thursday Is Coming


  1. i have not taken my eye off that space<><><<>when can i stop watching???????

  2. This space I'm watching, is the one after the '...' or the one before 'Watch'. I don't want to miss anything.

  3. Well, that's a decompressing post.I hope it is a bit of an 'outlet' for you, Bob.

    Can you warn us tomorrow if there are going to be gruesome pictures and I'll arrange to be away on Thursday! Take care of yourself. ♥

  4. Putz, you can stop watching on Thursday.

    Shooting Parrots, it's the entire post. You must watch it until the next post appears.

    Elizabeth, no gruesome pictures.

  5. won't that be harsd on my eyes ifin i watch constantly till thursaday, oh well us tennis open is rainned out, so maybe it won't be so bad wathcing that space won't cramp my neck


<b>Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow</b>

Just what you've been waiting for, a weather report from north Georgia. Yesterday our specific part of north Georgia experienced...