Saturday, November 26, 2011

Now that Thanksgiving is behind us (in more ways than one)

...we have a whole month of stuff like this (3:44) to look forward to.

I dislike “The Little Drummer Boy” (advocates salvation by works) and “Rudolph, the Red-Nosed Reindeer” (doesn't mention Bethlehem in 6 B.C. even once) and the barking dogs version of “Jingle Bells” (links general non-religious midwinter activities with University of Georgia football fans everywhere), but I especially abhor renditions of “O Holy Night” by the untalented. This one, however, is a definite put-on and had me laughing so hard I had tears rolling down my face. But it could have been real. That is the really scary part. Only later did it occur to me that enjoying it so much might be sacrilegious.

In case you too are wondering, I have installed lightning rods over my little portion of Blogland.


  1. ONG! That is the pits! Bring back the barking dogs - all is forgiven! LOL

  2. Hmmm...

    There is no biblical injunction to celebrate Christmas and it wasn't even considered until about 800AD. This dreadful cacophany, alongside all the other garbage that appears at this time of year, is probably part of the reason as to why it wasn't deemed important!!! xx

  3. That clip is totally APPALLING! It's quite ruined my Satruday.

  4. Jinksy, Elizabeth, and Frances, I quite agree! The pits, cacophany, appalling -- my sentiments exactly! Yet it still makes me laugh.

    P.S. to Frances, this too shall pass.

  5. first monday in december is eggnog day<><>son mike's idea

  6. Putz, if people wouldn't look at me as though I were crazy, I think I could drink eggnog all year long. Also, I would be bigger than a house.

  7. Oh, there you are, Putz. I met up with rhymes with Bob but I still don't know why.

  8. Frances, if you are wondering aloud (as it were) to Putz how we "met up," it was all Dr. FTSE's fault and his blogpost about writing a qwerty. Remember? If you are wondering why we "met up," though, I'm afraid I can be of no help. Who know why anything happens, really? It just happens. I am wondering now whether "met up" and "met" are the same thing, and whether two people can really be said either to have "met" or "met up" simply by having exchanged pleasantries in print in cyberspace. But I am happy to have made or made up (pick one) your acquaintance nonetheless.

    The acceptable response to the preceding paragraph is, "Likewise, I'm sure."

    Long may we wave.

  9. One more reason for me to hate Christmas ;-)

  10. we met up because like twins we had so much in common, you and me both falling on our heads when we were 4 or younger, you with that coat and me wearing a navy coat when we were toddlers, you being a bit techeced in the head,because of your fall, me being really teached n the head by my fall near the airport, you being born, and me being born each near to being 70 years old, you talking about christmas so early, and me and caroline just loving christmas, and mentioning it in october, on and on and on and on

  11. Putz, I am not "tetched" in the head because of that fall; I would have been "tetched" in the head even if I had never fallen. Put that in your pipe, but don't smoke it, because you are Mormon, of course (even though Hindu is your self-proclaimed preferred religion)....

  12. Carolina, I didn't mean to leave you out. I am sort of (and also sort of not) looking forward to reading on your blog a post called "100 Reasons Why I Hate Christmas"....

  13. and on and on and on and on, bob is a grate christian and i believe that jesus christ is a saviour to the whloe world which might make me a radical cultist, bob who rhymes enjhoys the mormon tab choir and i occassionally drink tab, bob rhymes with sob and i rhyme with klutz, i know what a run on sentance ,,,is, and bob knows when a sentance makes a home run

  14. Blogland Planning AuthorityNovember 27, 2011 at 8:59 PM

    Dear Mr Brague,
    The lightning rods should have been approved by the Blogland Planning Authority but we have graciously decided to allow the rods to remain in situ. Any other major alterations to your designer chalet will require approval in future.
    A. Putz
    (Chief of Planning)

  15. Readers of rhymeswithplague, please take note of the following:

    A. As this comment thread has grown, the comments have had less and less to do with the post. Brethren (and cistern), these things ought not to be.

    B. Just as it isn't nice to fool Mother Nature, it isn't nice to fool blog readers either. When one commenter pretends to be another commenter it may be considered "harmless fun" by some, but to most of us it is considered "deception" on our best days, "identify theft" on our good days, and "downright fraud" on our bad days. Therefore, let it be shouted from the housetops that the comment immediately preceding this one (the one purporting to be from A. Putz, Chief of Planning) is actually from a certain Y. Pudding of Sheffield, Yorkshire, England, who should know better.


<b>I, Don[ald J.Trump] Quixote </b>

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