Friday, November 16, 2012


Here is one of the most incredible musical instruments I’ve seen in a month of Sundays (4:31).

It took a while before my brain figured out that I was seeing an animation and not a real musical instrument.

Because it sure looks real.

Real pterodactyls. Real lobster claws. Real zombie fingers.

Perhaps you figured it out immediately.

Maybe I’m just thick.

Don’t answer that.


  1. it is like a player piano, but player guitar

  2. Shooting Parrots, isn't it, though? But it is all animated.

    Putz, exactly!

  3. Absolutely love this. Thank you Rhymes. I do wish someone would make a real version. It makes me think of Spider crabs mind you.

  4. All Consuming, glad you like it. I liked it too! And I also think your answer (Spider crabs) is better than my answer (lobster claws)!

  5. Fascinating! Where DO you find all these wonderful tidbits? (you need not answer). I have much difficulty comprehending the mind(s) of those who create such things, but I certainly enjoy them.

  6. Pat, I think someone sent it to me in an e-mail and I just glommed onto it as something my readers might enjoy. I do not, repeat, not spend hours and hours combing the internet for goodies to show you people.

    Except when I do.


<b>I, Don[ald J.Trump] Quixote </b>

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