Monday, May 20, 2013

Nobody ever ’splained it to me before...

Here is a clever summarization that I found on Facebook of the news briefings by Jay Carney, press secretary to President Obama, during the last two or three weeks:

Apparently President Truman was wrong all those decades ago. Apparently the buck doesn’t stop here.

Or perhaps during this very interesting month of Benghazi-gate, IRS-gate, and Associated Press telephone records-gate, Jay Carney should have changed his name to Jay Blarney.

I rarely believe anything Jay Carney or President Obama says any more. If the president didn’t know, he certainly should have known. It reminds me of a scene from the movie Cool Hand Luke:

What we have here, allegedly, is “a fail-yuh to communicate.”

If some people had their way, the two photographs in this post would be interchangeable.

And if the president truly didn’t know, this country is in far worse condition than I thought.


  1. Have you joined Al-Qaeda? Surely the office of President should be honoured and respected by all true American patriots. Next thing we know you'll be flying secretly to the hills of northern Pakistan to get some training! But you'll look cool in a turban!

  2. You are wrong, O Great One. It is the office of the President that I do honour (your spelling) and respect. But the man currently holding it? Not so much. For a Constitutional lawyer, he doesn't seem to care much about our Constitution. And it is because I live in a country that still values freedom of speech that I can say what I think. In that respect I am rather like your own exalted self and your lack of reticence in speaking out against your current governmental leaders in print.

  3. To give President Obama his due, he made a wonderful speech yesterday at the graduation ceremonies of Morehouse College here in Atlanta. It was very inspiring and to the point. You can probably find it on the internet.

  4. Success may not come quickly or easily. But if you strive to do what’s right, if you work harder and dream bigger, if you set an example in your own lives and do your part to help meet the challenges of our time, then I’m confident that, together, we will continue the never-ending task of perfecting our union.
    ---President Obama at Morehouse May 2013

  5. I'm glad our fiscal problems are behind us so we will have more time to focus on everything else. At least, I assume they're behind us, as the media no longer considers them worthy of comment. As for Obama's speech, it's obviously much easier to make inspirational speeches than it is to perform inspirational acts.

  6. SNOWBRUSH - If you don't want President Obama, send him to England. We'd love to have such an articulate man of vision and integrity leading our country instead of the little posh twerp Cameron we are currently suffering - an intellectual midget compared to your wonderful president.

  7. Yorkshire Pudding, the tropical breezes in Thailand seem to have affected your brain. Your comment to Snowbrush is a perfect illustration of the old saying, "The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence" and possibly "Hope springs eternal in the human breast" as well. Check your luggage. You may have left some of your marbles in Bangkok.

  8. Never having seen a news briefing by Jay Carney, I find it hard to comment on what he may or may not have said, or avoided saying or denied ever having said in the first place. However, if it is blarney that he is spouting then clearly he is sticking to his job description and deserves a raise!

  9. Mr. Parrots, the story changes daily here. News out of Washington has become positively Nixonian. We don't know what to believe because they can't decide what they want to say, and when challenged on what they say, they change it. By "they" I mean, of course, just about anyone in the Obama administration, but especially press secretary Jay Carney, who is, after all, a mouthpiece.

  10. "We'd love to have such an articulate man of vision and integrity..."

    I would guess that you're unaware of his abysmal human rights record. Here's just one of the treacheries his administration has accomplished:


<b>I, Don[ald J.Trump] Quixote </b>

Dear Reader, Enclosed please find for your consideration and entertainment a completely unauthorized ramble through the gray matter o...