Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Gone fission

To see something even more horrible, look at this (1:27).


  1. Bob, I worked in America on and off for twenty years. That clip wasn't humour it was real and as you say frightening.

  2. 私の祖父は広島で亡くなった。ゴーン核分裂は私や私の家族のために面白いタイトルはありません。

  3. Adrian, you'd be surprised -- or maybe you wouldn't -- at how many here would disagree with you.

    Elephant's Child, yes.

    Yoshi in Tokyo, I understand, and you have my condolences. The last thing I want to do is stir up painful memories.

  4. How come they always dress idiots in caps that are like the ones I wear?

  5. P.S. You failed to address Yorkie's point about chicken scratches. I thought it was extremely well-made.

  6. Snowbrush (1), Joe Flaherty (the guy in the hat) and John Candy did their comedy on SCTV (Second City Television), an offshoot of the Second City comedy troupe in Toronto. So the idiot is supposed to represent someone from the Canadian hinterlands, not residents of Oregon. Also, I refuse to conclude that if an idiot wears a certain cap, anyone who wears the same kind of cap must be an idiot.

    Snowbrush (2), the Japanese characters do resemble chicken scratches, don't they? Google Translate helped me find out that what Yorkshire Pudding said was, "My grandfather died in Hiroshima. There is no interesting title for my family and I Gone fission.
    Yoshi from Tokyo" and although he probably made it up out of whole cloth I decided to treat it as real and actually did address his point as though it came from a Japanese person. I should have included the translation in my response so other readers could follow the conversation too.

  7. Frightening stuff all round. That photograph, and those of it's ilk quite seriously make my stomach roll horribly whoever I see it/them. There's no kind in humankind sometimes.
    The hat, for me it's straight off Elmer Fudd hunting the wabbit. And now I see Snow in just that guise he'll be pleased to hear.


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