Monday, December 7, 2015

Time marches on and I must too!

I can't believe it’s December.

Thanksgiving came and went. We shared ours with 45 people altogether. Not all at once, mind you. We attended two Thanksgiving feasts, one on Thursday in Alabama at our daughter’s in-laws’ home with 29 in attendance, and one on Saturday closer to home at our second son’s home with 16 in attendance. A good time was had by all on both occasions.

So now it’s the first week of December. St. Nicholas Day. Pearl Harbor Day. Christmas is right around the corner. I don’t even want to think about it.

The busy-ness of the season has already started. Two choir practices last week instead of one, the regular Thursday night rehearsal and an additional two-hour rehearsal on Saturday. Friday evening we traveled 25 miles to our granddaughter's school to watch her in a musical program. Saturday evening we attended the Christmas extravaganza at the huge mega-church our neighbor attends (seating capacity: 9000). This week there’s our third-oldest grandson’s 18th birthday and two more choir rehearsals. Chiropractor appointments. Haircut appointments. Basketball games. Prayer meetings. Shopping trips. Wrapping of presents. Sending of Christmas cards. Getting out the nativity scene. Putting up the tree. Getting down the decorations. Actually decorating. Cleaning the house. I’m already tired and it hasn’t even begun yet.

As Rosanne Rosannadanna used to say on Saturday Night Live, “It’s always something.” I do miss Gilda Radner.

Instead of complaining, though, I will be thankful that I am alive and breathing and in good health, because twenty years ago next month I had a heart attack, an anterior myocardial infarction, to be exact. Fortunately I have never had to take a single nitroglycerin pill.

At my last semi-annual visit to the cardiologist, my EKG was excellent and all my lab work was within normal ranges except for one thing. My good cholesterol, the HDL, was a bit low. I asked him if there was something I could do to increase it and he told me that only two things will raise one’s HDL -- exercise and red wine. He recommended one glass with evening meals. He also wants me to exercise but we will have to see how that goes. (Yorkshire Pudding recommended yesterday that I take up Yemenite dancing.)

I told our prayer group leader that it was official: my doctor had told me to drink a glass of red wine every evening. The prayer group leader said, "That must be a big relief" and we both laughed hysterically.


  1. Thankfully, I have not had a heart attack. It must have been a very frightening event. It was how my father died at the age of sixty five.

    Reduce the pre-Xmas busy-ness by forgetting the haircut. Georgia needs more hippies! Ask Ellie for a kaftan and beads when she says "What would you like for Christmas sweetie pie?"

  2. Must is a word we use to beat up on ourselves too often. Let time march alone - unless you want to follow suit.
    Excellent news on the health front. Long may it continue.

  3. I'm glad to hear that you remain in good health. I suggest you combine your doctor's advice by taking a gentle stroll to the wine store for the exercise and drink the bottle of red on the walk back home.

  4. I'm glad your heart has recovered and is clearly a happy and strong one, carry on with the singing, sing your way through all the festivities say I. *nods*. Being thankful is a regular pastime of mine too.

  5. Sounds like life is happy and full! Enjoy the festivities, family and feasts. You can always rest in January :-)


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