Sunday, April 2, 2017

No, I'm not the least bit OCD. Why do you ask?

But I do admit to being a list maker.

For example, last Sunday we visited a church we had attended from 1979 until 2008, where the senior pastor was being honored. He is stepping down from his position of leadership after almost 34 years and passing the torch to someone else. Here are many of the people I recognized or spoke to, some of whom I had not seen in many years:

Don & Linda M.
Chuck & Candace R.
Bill & Twyla G.
Wayne & Ellen L.
Steven & Rosemary L. with son Russ
Tom & Cheryl B.
Steve & Kristi A.
"F.M." M.
Dana & Richard T.
Walter & Margaret T.
Ben & Helen C.
Richard & Ramona M.
Don W. (didn't see Razzie)
Nick B.
Josh H.
Darrell & Cindy H.
Jason H. (didn't see Brandi)
Tom J.
Jake R.
Geoff & Timarie R.
Charlie & Rita R.
Alan & Jessica R.
Audrey L.
Victor L.
Bill & Cheri F.
Ken & Sue T.
Sabrina L.
Kate S. with daughter Nelda
Mike & Julie B.
Esther B. with daughter Pam
Sherri S. & husband (can't remember his name)
Nathan & Stephanie M.
Mark & Gwen B. with son Noah
Jim & Amy P. with Avery & Edie
Staci B.
Wayne & Sharon S.
Tony & Lisa W.
Debbie M.
Matt B.
Clint B.
Tim & Jennifer W.
Ed & Wyn S.
Marc & Donita W.
Tony & Renee O.
Connie C.
Diane R.
Jack L.
Billy H.(didn't see Terri or Hannah)
Bruce & Vedonna R.
Jeff & Lori R.
Steve M.(didn't see Terri)
Vicki B.
Daryl & Janie M.
Linda W.
Todd M.
Beverly M. (Todd's mom)
Jared & Jennifer M.
Jonathan C.
Rick & Peggy M.
Rachael A.(didn't see Ken or Aaron)
Brian & Cheryl L. (didn't see Grant or Lindsey)
Rachel E. (didn't see Josh)
Clara L. with daughteer Suzanne
Phil & Marge H.
K. Ray & Shelia L.
Rick & Laurie J.
Jon & Mindy M.
David & Cheryl M.
Jon & Mindy M.
Bob M. (didn't see Linda)
Linda K.
Stephanie T.
David & Sue T.
David S. (didn't see Tracey)
Marcy B.

...and there were others, I'm sure.

Charlie B.would have been there but he was home taking care of Patrick, one of my favorite people.

I told you I was a list maker. Here's another one:

People who I thought might attend but who I never ran into into whom I never ran:

Kent & Cathy M.
Paul & Marti A.
Chuck & Elaine H.
Jeff & Wanda K.
Bruce & Lisa M.
Neal & Ro P.
Eddie & Trisha M.
Stephen & Renee G.
Kevin & Gwen M.
Ron & Judy F.
Bill & Cathy T.
Dutch & Sonya T.
Ken & Sheila H.
Mark & Audrey S.
Pepper & Mandi H.
Tammi M.
Carolyn S.
Gloria G.
Erin M.
Andrea M.
Todd & Christy C.
Jim & Chris C.
Mike & Sylvia C.
Gary & Sherri Z.
Ginny C.
Julie K.
Patty B.
Rose P.
Paul & Chris P.
Dick & Marti S.
David & Lisa K.
John & LaDonna J.
John & Pam S. (they are in England visiting their daughter)
Trip & Diana C.
Scott & Tamara G.
Tom & Kathy R.
Amalfi C. (she's in Florida at the moment)

If I were truly OCD, you know, those lists would be arranged in alphabetic order and numbered.

Speaking of Amalfi (everybody calls her Moffie), here she is being typically herself with her sister Sammie:

Here she is with a group called the ukuladies. One of them appears to be transgender:

And this one is my all-time favorite clip of Moffie - if you want to laugh, please watch!

Every single day I try to be thankful for something. Today I am thankful that Moffie was not on the pastoral search committee (I'm joking.) To be honest, Moffie washes up rather impressively. Here she is with one of her great-great-granchildren:


  1. Love the Tweedles. And you are trying to confuse us by saying the lists should be numbered or alphabetized. I know there is an order to them... you just aren't telling us what it is.

    1. Emma, there really is no order to either list. Both of them are completely random as far as I know, just the sequence in which the people's named occurred to me a few days later. They are certainly not in the order I saw them either. 'Tis a mystery beyond my knowing.

      Yorkshire Pudding, am I to assume then that there are Razzies and Jareds in abundance sprinkled throughout your green and pleasant land?

  2. You American folk can certainly come up with bizzare names. Robert, Ellie and Emma are "normal" pleasant names but the following would never be selected in Great Britain - Mindy, LaDonna, Amalfi, Avery, Vedonna, Brandi and Timarie. Why saddle one's child with such a daft name?

  3. Yorkshire Pudding, you may recall my having learned from Amalfi that her father had seen a road sign in Italy which he chose for her name, and I replied that if her father had traveled to Atlanta instead we would be calling her Peachtree Industrial Boulevard.

  4. Yes razzies and jareds are sprinkled here. They are excellent garden plants which brighten any border. Of course David and Victoria Beckham called their first child Brooklyn because he was conceived there. Consequently, I am surprised that you didn't call your first son Econolodge.

  5. Y.P., by your criteria my children would have been named Orlando, Nebraska, and Poughkeepsie ( or maybe Dutchess for the county Poughkeepsie is in).

  6. It sounds like you keep a meticulous diary of these (ahem!)..."events".

  7. Well the 'clip' certainly provided a good few minutes of hilarity. However the comments so far have left me nonplussed. Mind you that's not difficult.

  8. Graham, comment sections often take on a life of their own, so I tend to go with the flow. One never knows what Yorkshire Pudding may latch onto. I am glad that you enjoyed the clip. I enjoy it every time I watch it; it
    never grows old! You may be the only commenter who clicked on the link, as I think most viewers would comment on it if they bothered to watch it.


<b>A whole lot of nothing sets one to thinking</b>

In the last 24 hours alone, my email inbox received 172 new messages, 171 of which held no interest for me. All but three or four of them w...