Monday, October 10, 2022

I've got you under my skin

When the writer of the 139th Psalm wrote, "I am fearfully and wonderfully made" he wasn't kidding. Our bodies are very complex. Depending on which online article you happen to read, the human body is made up of several distinct systems. Here are some of the lists I found:

  1. The integumentary system
  2. The skeletal system
  3. The muscular system
  4. The lymphatic system
  5. The respiratory system
  6. The digestive system
  7. The nervous system
  8. The circulatory system
  9. The endocrine system
  10. The urinary system
  11. The reproductive system

  1. Circulatory system/Cardiovascular system
  2. Digestive system/Excretory system
  3. Endocrine system
  4. Exocrine system/Integumentary ststem
  5. Immune system and Lymphatic system
  6. Muscular system
  7. Nervous system
  8. Renal system/Urinary syste
  9. Reproductive system
  10. Respiratory system
  11. Skeletal system

  1. Musculoskeletal system
  2. Cardiovascular system
  3. Respiratory ststem
  4. Nervous system
  5. Digestive system
  6. Urinary system
  7. Endocrine system
  8. Lymphatic system
  9. Reproductive system
  10. Integumentary system

Integumentary was a new word for me. It means the outer layer. Ours includes the skin, hair, fingernails, toenails, sebacious glands, and sweat glands.

Some lists divide the reproductive system into two systems, reproductive system (male) and reproductive system (female). Some lists treat the skeleton and the muscles as two separate systems; other lists treat them/it as a single system (musculoskeletal). One list separates our five senses (sight, smell, hearing, taste, touch) into a "nervous sensory subsystem" apart from the nervous system; other lists include them in the exocrine system. Some lists don't even mention an exocrine system.

Either the jury is still out or the science is not as settled as some would like us to believe.

The Psalmist didn't mention something significant that a man named Paul wrote several hundred years later in a letter that that wound up in the New Testament, that we are body, soul, and spirit.

That is a post for another day.


  1. My understanding of science completely changed when a friend said to me that science is never settled. Science seeks answers to questions and we have a current answer but there will always be another one as people come up with new ideas

    1. I wish more people would accept that science can never be settled.

    2. kylie, your friend is absolutely right. Science once said the earth was flat. Science once said our solar system had nine planets.

    3. Adrian, what a wonderful world that would be!

  2. I'm not sure why the one (integumentary system ) you've never heard of is on there twice?

    1. Red, several of the systems are on there twice. I was showing various lists that I had found; I never said that each list was unique. Obviously there were overlaps.


<b>I, Don[ald J.Trump] Quixote </b>

Dear Reader, Enclosed please find for your consideration and entertainment a completely unauthorized ramble through the gray matter o...