Tuesday, August 29, 2023

This actually happened

My dog and I have conversations. I talk to her and she talks to me. Not really, of course. When we talk, I provide both sides of the conversation. This one occurred this morning:

Me: You're my girl.
Abby: Yes, I am.
Me: You're a good girl, Abby.
Abby: I agree.
Me: You're my chunky-wunky.
Abby: No, I'm not.
Me: I thought you were. What are you then if you're not my chunky-wunky?
Abby: Look around. It's the Good Old Summertime. Isn't it obvious? I'm your tootsie-wootsie.

We have exchanges like this all the time. Don't tell me my mind is going. It probably already went.


  1. I have no children around so I also talk to the dog. Mind? What mind?

  2. When I tell my sweet old greyhound that she's a sweet old girl, she ignores me.
    When I tell my grand-dog Lucy that she's a chonky barkinator, she tells me I'm rude.
    Go figure

  3. Oh heavens. I'm lost for words. But then I don't have a dog or a cat for that matter.

  4. My dog and I have conversations too but they're mostly one-sided. I talk and he listens. I tell him mostly sweet stuff, with a little bit of teasing because he's a noodle. Haahahaha xoxo

  5. That made me giggle. I have no dog/cat/animal/human to have conversations with, and I don't talk to myself as the phrase is normally understood. No. I 'talk' in blogposts which is virtually to myself, when nobody comes to 'visit'. LOL Don't worry about disappearing mind, be thankful that us old bloggers still manage to keep the fingers typing, with a few giggles thrown in for luck... :-)


<b>I, Don[ald J.Trump] Quixote </b>

Dear Reader, Enclosed please find for your consideration and entertainment a completely unauthorized ramble through the gray matter o...