Tuesday, November 19, 2024

Why, yes, I am definitely slowing down

It happens to the best of us. Slowly but surely, although it seems like suddenly, we grow older. A stranger peers out at us unexpectedly from the mirror. It is a shocking thing, the aging process. It shouldn't have caught us unawares, but most of us are very good at denying the inevitable.

For years the children and their spouses came to visit us during the holidays. Gradually we began to welcome grandchildren as well, and eventually six grandchildren and their spouses or significant others graced us with their presence. This year one of the children will be hosting and there will be three great-grandchildren added into the mix. Time marches on and ever older strangers peer out at us from our mirrors.

So yes, I am publishing fewer posts these days. Back in the early years of this blog (it began in September 2007) there were several times when my posts exceeded 200 per year. This year the number may not reach 70, but I intend to keep going for a while yet, and I am very grateful to you, the few who continue to read and comment here from time to time.

The bigger question of course, even bigger than how often I might produce a post, is whether I will prove to be smart and/or clever enough to find interesting topics to write about and present them to you in such a way that you will keep coming here.

This is not to say I haven't tried. I have lost count of the number of posts I have discarded that never saw the light of day. Trust me, you wouldn't have liked them.

Maybe my muse is slowing down too.

I hope not.


  1. Boy do I understand what you are saying. From the posts I have read recently your mental faculties seem to be as sharp as ever.

    1. Thank you, you are very kind. I hope it is a very long time before I become a drooling idiot. Actually, I hope I never become a drooling idiot, although I'm definitely working on the drooling. Thank you, Emma!

  2. Those people who peer at us out of the mirrors are shocking. Who are they? How did they get there?

  3. They are always lurking about, just out of sight. The mirrors make them visible to us and once we see them we become their twins, just like Tweedle-dum and Tweedle-dee. This is only a theory. Thank you, Janice!

  4. Good description of our aging process when we look in the mirror and see a stranger. Keep on blogging. You have much wisdom to give.

    1. The jury is still out on how much wisdom I have to give, but I very much appreciate your encouragement. Thank you, Keith!


<b>Of the people, by the people, and for the people </b>

Today is what used to be celebrated in this country as Lincoln's Birthday because Abraham Lincoln, 16th president of the United States ...