Monday, September 28, 2009

I’m speechless!

This blog began two years ago today, on September 28, 2007, with my first post.

Time really flies when you’re having fun.

Mrs. RWP says it seems much longer.


  1. ...And may I be the first to wish your blog a happy second birthday! I can only imagine that Mrs RWP delights in the fact that you discovered blogging as no doubt it keeps you out from under her feet for a few hours each week.

  2. Congratulations, dear Mr. RWP! May you blog for many years to come.

  3. i had over 400 blogs in 4years, do you have over 200 blogs in two years?????

  4. YP, Pat, and Putz - Thank you very much!

    (Note to Putz: Don't look now, but this was my 433rd post.)

  5. Congratulations! Except you haven't made poor Mrs. RWP a blog widow, have you?

  6. Good for you, RWP! Keep it up.

    Putz says 400 blogs; you say 400 some posts.
    Putz, can you clarify. 400 blogs is quite much.

  7. Rosezilla, thanks! I refuse to answer on the grounds that it might tend to incriminate me.

    Anonymous, surely Putz meant posts.

    Putz, surely you meant posts. A blog is made up of many individual posts the way a sentence is made up of many individual words, the way a paragraph is made up of many individual sentences, the way a post is made up of many individual paragraphs. A post is not a blog unless there is only one post on the entire blog, in which case that one post could conceivably be referred to as a blog, I suppose.

  8. Happy blogiversary . May you have many more.

  9. i am glad i said what i did, if i hadn't of i wouldn't have had it broken down like everybody did....amn sop i won't say what i mean or mean what i mean untill this is all talked out in the trenches, and then i will wince, having winced, i then will shyley sit back until i am once again corrected by the wonderful wizard of oz who is because because of the wonderful wiz he is....i have no idea what everyone is all about but because this is such an old person's blog i am sure i will hear many sides of it, did you hear jim rant on about his bil tuning pianos in my blog, post, comment section winching or wincing at all the girls and such

  10. Well, that's a first!

    Sorry that I'm late to congratulate you on your second blogoversary. Congratulations and may you blog for many years to come.
    Please give my love to Mrs RWP who is kind enough to share you with all of us ;-)

  11. Dr. John - Thank you very much. Did I win your contest?

    Putz (David) - Thank you again, I think, although I am not sure. I never am (sure) where you are concerned. I do understand, sort of, what you said because I do read your blog/posts and even the comments, but not everyone here will get the part about winching or wincing necessarily, or the fact that Dr. Jim was talking about his brother-in-law, either. But that's life, I guess, including the fact that I write very long sentences.

    Carolina in Nederland - Dank u, as they say somewhere. All good wishes are greatly appreciated. Dr. John called this a blogiversary and you called it a blogoversary, and all this time I've been thinking of it as a blogaversary. But at least we understand each other, which is more than I can say sometimes for me and Putz.

  12. P.S. to Putz - There is no "e" in "shyly"....

  13. Thanks, Ruth. If you say it is a blogiversary, then a blogiversary (as in anniversary, I suppose) it is!

    My verification word is prousti, and Marcel Proust wrote Remembrance of Things Past, and remembering things past is what you do on a blogiversary.


<b>I, Don[ald J.Trump] Quixote </b>

Dear Reader, Enclosed please find for your consideration and entertainment a completely unauthorized ramble through the gray matter o...