Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Ze car, she is vorking vunce again

Turned out to be mainly a matter of replacing the spark plugs and wires, although they also cleaned the throttle body and fuel injectors. Says so right on the receipt. I returned the loaner to Camille and Bob G. with a full tank of gas. And I found a new mechanic, a good one, in the bargain.

As Robert Browning once said, “God’s in His heaven; all’s right with the world.”

All’s well that ends well.


  1. Voondebar!

    I know you are happy to have your transportation back in working order. Seems like things worked out for the best, afterall.

  2. Praise God for small miracles!! Glad it wasn't anything major {{{knocking on wood}}}

  3. Having good transportation is not a small miracle it is a big one.

  4. Well I hope the repair bill was not extortionate. Just before Xmas we need all the dollars we can muster. If you have any spare dollars lying around the house could you send them my way? I prefer hundred dollar bills - postage is cheaper.

  5. Well, since you are on the subject...Natalie moved to Luxembourg, and Dad is still trying to sell her 2006 Toyota Matrix. Know anyone who needs a car?!!

  6. Oh good. I'm glad you have mobility again.

    I have a faith of sorts... that good things usually happen to good people. Because they are good.

  7. The repair bill was another big miracle. Someone else paid it.

    On Sunday I had nine dollars in my bank account, an empty billfold, and a dollar in change in my pocket. I put the dollar in the church offering.

    Little is much when God is in it.


<b>I, Don[ald J.Trump] Quixote </b>

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