Thursday, February 24, 2011

Quote of the day

“Death is not the end. There remains the litigation over the estate.”
.........................................................................-- Ambrose Bierce


  1. Short and to the point.

    "Where there's a will, there's a relative with his hand out." ~ unknown

  2. I read just yesterday about a 200 million dollar estate was down to 60 million by the time the lawyers were done with it, mostly because the man left no will.

  3. i am worth 700 billon and it all goes to my cat daisy{oh and maybe a trifle to bob wit

  4. Pat, ha ha ha! Your quote is a good one!

    Snowbrush, Shakespeare said, "The first thing we do, let's kill all the lawyers" (Henry VI, Act IV, scene ii).

    Putz, all contributions gratefully accepted.

  5. Had to look up 'litigations' (what would I do without

    Will this quote be on your headstone?


  6. Carolina, my estate is so miniscule as to be practically non-existent, so the answer to your inquiry is "No, ma'am"!

    I did hear of one epitaph that read, "I told you I was sick" though....

  7. "Duirt me leat go raibh me breoite" is Irish and it appears on the gravestone of our legendary comedian and professional nutcase - Spike Milligan. It means - "I told you I was ill"


<b>I, Don[ald J.Trump] Quixote </b>

Dear Reader, Enclosed please find for your consideration and entertainment a completely unauthorized ramble through the gray matter o...