Monday, February 27, 2012

Into each life some rain must fall (or something like that)

...and life, which is what happens to you while you’re making other plans, requires me to be away from Blogland for a few days.

Not to worry, though. I shall return, though perhaps not in the way General Douglas MacArthur returned to the Philippines:

In the meantime,

[Editor’s note. One and all, I hate to disappoint you, but I am not sick or in hospital or undergoing psychoanalysis, or having a root canal, or encumbered by any of dozens of other infirmities whose prospect seems to fill some of you with such glee, if I am interpreting your comments correctly. I am not incontinent, or changing my gender, or having anything of any kind removed or inserted. The rain of which I spoke refers to the rain that is undoubtedly falling in your own miserable lives at the thought of having to endure my absence. Never fear. Be patient. As I mentioned before, I shall return. --RWP, 28 Feb 2012]


  1. Don't worry. Most people emerge from hospital better than when they went in. I sincerely hope that the operation is successful. Be brave.

  2. Oh, that's right, you're going "under the knife." I guess you'll just have to look forward to the drugs, Mr. Plague, along with the better than usual kindness of Mrs. Plague, and the better than even chance (usually) that you'll survive. Of course, if you don't survive... Well, I guess I should end on an optimistic note, but I can't get one to copy into your response box. Sorry. I hope that's not a bad omen.

  3. I don't know whether you really are going into hospital, Bob, or whether its just another YP thing like last time, so I'm truly sorry if this sounds insensitive. If you genuinely are, I hope all goes well.

    Whatever the circumstances, you and Ellie will be much in my thoughts and prayers.Take good care of yourself and may richness of blessing be yours.

    My love to you both.XX

  4. this kind of thing always seems to happen after a one reaches 70<><<>the black clould that hovers over mole wort starts hovering over thou<><><condoleances from me the putzy one

  5. One and all, please read the Editor's note that I have added at the end of the main post.

  6. So... I guess we'll just have to wait patiently for your return. Which is what I'll do.


<b>A whole lot of nothing sets one to thinking</b>

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