Saturday, July 7, 2012

Here in the lull between America’s Independence Day (July 4) and France’s Bastille Day (July 14)... might want to read Ann Coulter’s explanation of the differences between the American Revolution and the French Revolution.

If you do (and I hope you do), come back here and leave a comment if you’re so inclined.

In other news, I hereby forgive myself for overlooking Canada’s Dominion Day on July 1 -- it has been called Canada Day since 1982 -- although it was a perfectly understandable thing to do; Canadians have a history of overlooking it themselves.


  1. That was an interesting read. The two 'revolutions' were different, of course. Both were sparked by 'unfairness', real and imagined. In America's case, it was taxation and representation when in fact the taxes were quite reasonable and Americans had far greater democratic rights than ordinary Brits. But that's history for you!

  2. and between the day brigham young and all those pesky mormons settled the sesquania valley, no i meant the deserts of utar and shoting sparows this was also an unfair conflict real and not imagined<><><>my grands will tell you that with every shot they took at some california prospector or passerby

  3. oh the very day was july 24, the daybrigham said} this is the right place as he was looking at the great sea of salt i bet thinking it was clear sparkling water

  4. Shooting Parrots, any ordinary Brit who is interested in far greater democratic rights is still welcome on these shores, even though we don't like taxation even with representation.

    Putz, I have no idea what your two comments have to do with my post. What I'm saying is, nothing has changed.

  5. Putz, oh. I see. You picked up on Ian's reference to "unfairness, real and imagined" and went from there. I get it.

  6. no really you were talking about a lull between two dates in julay and i just changed the lull from july 4 to july 24th instead of july 4th to july 14th<><>so you still don't understand me, do you?????

  7. Putz, the scary part is I'm beginning to.


<b>A whole lot of nothing sets one to thinking</b>

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