Saturday, August 25, 2012

And now for something less controversial’s Shirley Temple singing “On the Good Ship Lollipop” (2:34) from the 1934 movie Bright Eyes.

And here she is again, this time with the verse included, and the black-and-white original has been changed into a colorized (Brit., colorised) version (3:31).

Without looking it up, can you name the actor on whose lap Shirley was sitting? He was fairly well known and in 1945 earned an Academy Award for Best Supporting Actor in A Tree Grows in Brooklyn.

And here, for no reason whatsoever, are Lucille Ball and Desi Arnaz on What’s My Line? in 1955 (7:42).

Nobody ever said my posts had to make a lick of sense.

This has been a little trip down memory lane.


  1. The presenter, John Daly, intrigued me - he sounds almost English by his accent, but of course he wasn't. But he was linked to the assassination of JFK. It could be the start of a six degrees of separation connection!

  2. the controversial thing about this blog er um post is the meanness<><>mean streak you have in going back before we were both born to tormet us with triva drival. although that what's my lineduo treatment was worth the look see

  3. Ian in Lancashire, I didn't know that John Daily was linked to the assassination of JFK. Please cite your sources. Now Dorothy Kilgallen, that's another matter.

    David in Tooele/Ephraim/Wherever, you ain't seen triva drival. See my next post for triva drival. Glad you liked the clip.

  4. Not controversial? Pah! In England we write "colourised" NOT "colorised"! You see "colour" has a "u" in it! Thank heavens we pulled out of America and left it to barbarians like Shirley Temple, Ronald McDonald and President Obama's special adviser - Senator R.Brague.


<b>I, Don[ald J.Trump] Quixote </b>

Dear Reader, Enclosed please find for your consideration and entertainment a completely unauthorized ramble through the gray matter o...