Monday, April 8, 2013

In my humble opinion

...two of the funniest people on the planet for the past sixty years have been Mike Nichols and Elaine May. Here are some of their classic improvisational skits from more than fifty years ago:

$65 Funeral (6:13)

At the hospital (7:41)

Teenagers sitting in a car (10:39)

Mother and Son (6:29)

...and here is Elaine still doing her thing as only she can when the American Film Institute honored Mike in 2010 with its Lifetime Achievement Award:

Elaine May Salutes Albert Einstein’s Cousin, Mike Nichols (4:04)

This has been another side-splitting start to what otherwise would undoubtedly have been another bland and humdrum week from your old friend rhymeswithplague.

You’re most welcome.

1 comment:

  1. I watched the funeral one and loved it, so will be back later. I don't think I remember these two, but I surely saw them on one of the many variety shows that used to be on during a day when the public preferred juggling dogs to autopsies.


<b>I, Don[ald J.Trump] Quixote </b>

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