Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Nothing much. You?

The clickable part of this sentence (the part in blue) should give you a pretty good idea of what commuters in Atlanta have experienced lately (3:49).

In spite of our having contributed to the mirth of nations, it’s really not snow that does us in around here, it’s ice covering our hilly roads.

Here is a view of my snowy patio this morning:


  1. HAHAHAHAHA, you have reduced me, or rather enlarged me to caps. The gatorade bottle....oh dear. Very, very funny. You have sent me to bed laughing. Perhaps that is your superpower. *falls about some more and collapses into smiles.

  2. Atlanta, must be similar to London.
    This is really good I almost choked on my porridge.

  3. Both lovely and hazardous, indeed. Stay safe and warm! (According to James 2, I shouldn't say that without offering to do something about it, but I do offer prayers! :)

  4. Hell - that's a lot of cocaine you've got on your garden table! Sure you're not dealing in the stuff? I guess it's a good way to supplement your pension.


<b>I, Don[ald J.Trump] Quixote </b>

Dear Reader, Enclosed please find for your consideration and entertainment a completely unauthorized ramble through the gray matter o...