Thursday, April 23, 2015

Beautiful bouquets are everywhere

...if you have eyes to see. Bouquets are not confined to cut flowers. For example, here are Mrs. RWP’s phalaenopsis orchids:

...and an indoor gardenia plant (technically, a bouquet has more than one flower, but who’s counting?) :

...and a high school soccer team that includes a grandson of ours (he is number 34) :

Look around. There may be some beautiful bouquets you have been overlooking.


  1. I loved working with all the varieties of orchids when I was making wedding bouquets. They are truly delicate flowers.

  2. Indoor gardenia? I don't think I could stand the fragrance.

  3. The orchids are impressive
    The gardenia is sweet
    But that Bouquet of Boys
    Must be hard to beat.

  4. Such pretty flowers. Our son still plays soccer. They just won league and struggling with Provincials.
    Once it is in the blood, it never leaves even with all the aches and pains. Boys form life long friend ships from these teams.

  5. Good to see that your grandson plays soccer rather than American Football. The very first properly organised football (soccer) team in the world was Sheffield F.C..

  6. My bouquet is just a teensy bit wilted, grasped between work worn hands freckled by the years of sun & work. Some sun, some dew, none of the flowers perfect, nonetheless each beautiful in its own way. Some aren't even flowers, but a few grasses & gnarled vines, some rather dry & sharp, others faded & delicate in their last days of blooming...


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