Thursday, August 20, 2015

A few of my current favorite things

1. At the retirement party last Sunday, each table was adorned with a bud vase containing red and yellow roses with baby’s breath. After the party, Suzi R. gathered them all up into two absolutely gorgeous bouquets and presented them to us. Here they are on the huntboard in our kitchen, along with a framed example of Mrs. RWP’s counted-cross-stitch embroidery and some of her mother’s crochet work under a pillar candle:

2. We received many beautiful cards as well as this beautiful marginata plant from Jane and Roger C. and a stunning terrarium from Tammy and Charlie H. that included a grand piano, a candelabrum worthy of Liberace, and even a little white dog. Do they know us or what?:

3. The cargo space of our new vehicle (new to us, anyway), a 2006 Nissan Murano:

4. An enormous biscuit (not to same scale as previous item) from Pappas’s Restaurant in New Smyrna Beach, Florida. I consumed this particular biscuit back in the first week of June, nearly three months ago, but -- as we all know -- nothing ever really goes away on the internet:

5. Mrs. RWP’s famous Cherry-Pineapple Dump Cake, the last piece of which I would have enjoyed at our church’s monthly fellowship luncheon if our friend Becky R. hadn’t got there first:

6. The non-politically-correct woman (no photo available) I met yesterday in a doctor’s waiting room (no photo available) who announced the following to the entire room after someone said the staff elevator had been acting up all morning:

“I would never get on that elevator. I hate elevators. If there is any chance I might get stuck in one, I will not get on it. And I won’t get on an elevator if more than eight people are in it. My children will tell you, when they were small they would count: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, Mama, we’ll have to wait for the next elevator. And I hate albinos. And midgets. And clowns. I’m afraid of them. I have a fear of albinos and midgets and clowns. Lord, if I got on an elevator and an albino midget clown walked in, I would probably drop dead right there.”

It was like something in a Flannery O’Connor short story. Her eyes grew big when I volunteered, “Perhaps you're attracting them.”


  1. I suppose you know that a terrarium was first called a Wardian Case. Its discovery was accidental, but right away people started using it to grow plants in England that they couldn’t previously grow, and it was also used to carry plants on ships. I love houseplants (I’ve had up to forty in my bedroom) and have often considered getting one.

    Maybe the PC term for the non-PC woman would be Politically Challenged or Alternately Politically Abled.

    I congratulate you on all your new things, but it looks to me like your friend ate the entire pie rather than the last piece.

    1. Snowbrush, I did not know about Ward and his case, but I looked it up and you are right! Also, our friend Becky likes Mrs. RWP's Cherry-Pineapple Dump Cake a lot, but not that much!

  2. You showed us some lovely gifts – the bouquets are delightful. I had never heard of an albino midget clown phobia – that is fascinating. I wonder any many of these midgets exist on the planet?

    1. Vagabonds, it almost sounded like a comedian's routine but you can't make up stuff like that!

  3. My favorite was the terrarium. Amazing!

  4. Ohhhh, how very beautiful Mrs Rhymes's embroidery is! Matched perfectly by the flowers and doily underneath the candle too. Such a joyous post, you've brought a smile to my face here - pie, a fab terrarium, a giant biscuit (I think it would be a scone' to us), and an entertaining nut to boot! (And a boot to boot too). Albino midget clown ranting - it's an underground movement I'll wager *laughs*. x

    1. All Consuming, our biscuit is your scone and your boot is our trunk, but your Stone of Scone is not a biscuit. I'm confused.

  5. Love it all.
    And can only assume that the woman won't get attending Albino Dwarf Mud-Wrestling sessions any time soon.

    1. Elephant's Child, she didn't mention mud wrestling but she did say she wished there were whiskey in the coffee pot.

  6. What a cunning thing you said to the crazy woman at the doctor's surgery! You have probably tipped her over the edge. If she were a normal person, it might have been helpful to say to her that albinos and people of small stature deserve the same respect as blacks, jews and the disabled and shooting one's mouth off about disgraceful prejudices is quite intolerable.

  7. Yorkshire Pudding, I was only trying to be wry, but cunning works too (except I think cunning might imply malicious intent, and nothing could be further from the truth).

  8. "albinos and people of small stature deserve the same respect as blacks, jews and the disabled"

    I rate them by a particularly wise, intelligent, and well-considered sequential system by which Jews come first (what with Rhymes being Jewish and all, at least on his mother's side, which, I hear, is the side that matters) and dwarf black albinos with disabilities coming last. This means that there is only one person on the entire planet who I'm prejudiced against (well, okay, two).

  9. Hahahahahaha. Well done Snow, we never thought we'd see the day! *falls about some more*.


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