Friday, June 24, 2016

Pin the tail on the troglodytes

The three gentlemen I showed you in yesterday's post are (or, more accurately, were):

* Washington Irving (1783 - 1859), American writer, author of Rip van Winkle.

* Thomas J. Watson, Sr. (1874 - 1956), founder and chief executive officer of International Business Machines (IBM).

* Warren G. Harding (1865 - 1923), twenty-ninth president of the United States (from 1921 until 1923), considered by many to have been one of the worst U.S. presidents.

I invite you to enjoy Noel Coward singing "Mad Dogs and Englishmen" (2:24), which I have included here in commemoration of the glories of yesteryear, troglodytes everywhere (you know who you are), and the fact that yesterday millions of Englishmen went out in the midday sun and voted to take their country out of the European Union.


  1. Sigh on Brexit. And I gather Scotland and Northern Ireland want to stay in. Interesting times ahead. Scary times ahead.

  2. Yes a great result here. Hopefully we will be free again.


<b>I, Don[ald J.Trump] Quixote </b>

Dear Reader, Enclosed please find for your consideration and entertainment a completely unauthorized ramble through the gray matter o...