Tuesday, September 27, 2016

A peek into antiquity

...by which I mean nine years ago, which is several lifetimes as lifetimes are counted in blogworld.

This blog began on September 28, 2007, so as of today (September 27, 2016) I have been blogging for nine years. Tomorrow -- what some might call my ninth anniversary -- is in actuality the first day of my tenth year of blogging. It is just this sort of attention to detail that keeps you readers coming back for more.

Unless it's my acerbic wit and sparkling personality.

Yeah, right.

Whatever it is that keeps you readers coming back for more, I am truly grateful and will never take any of you for granted.

That being said, here's that peek into antiquity that I promised up top:

My first post

The celebrating may now begin.


  1. The celebrating may now begin? I shall go to the kitchen, butter a slice of bread and get myself a glass of water which I shall raise in your honour. Cheers Sir Bob!

  2. Happy blogoversary.
    Your first post was MUCH more polished than my own. I grew up with Alice in Wonderland (and Through the Looking Glass) and loved the reminder.

  3. Congratulations - and may I say that your attention to detail is admirable. I had the same argument over when millennium should be celebrated!

  4. My thanks to all three of you -- Yorkshire Pudding (Neil), Elephant's Child (Sue), and Shooting Parrots (Ian) -- for continuing to climb the highest mountains and cross the widest seas as it were to make it to my place so often. Fearless leaders, er, leerless feeders, er, peerless readers all, is what I'm trying to say, and my hat, if I wore one, would be off to each one of you.

  5. And here I thought we were all here because of your looks! Happy Anniversary.

  6. Happy bloganniversary! It is not only the number of years but the number of posts, and you have written a good number of them. I saw your first post – very nice writing and good PR for wanting to read more. I wish you many more years of happy blogging and fun while doing it.

  7. Well done that man!! I started blogging only seven months later myself. It's a monument to your fabulousness. Yes it is! X

  8. Three more friends heard from -- Emma Springfield (Emma), Vagabonde (Saskia), and All Consuming (Michelle)!. You have made my week brighter and I shall try to be worthy of your trust.

  9. And better late than never congrats for you fortitude! Just think, next milestone will be for a decade, what, what?! :-)


<b>I, Don[ald J.Trump] Quixote </b>

Dear Reader, Enclosed please find for your consideration and entertainment a completely unauthorized ramble through the gray matter o...