Saturday, February 25, 2017

I love 2 BB side your side B side the C, B side the C side, by the B U T full C, plus bluebirds

Here's a little something to tickle your fancy:

By the C, by the C,
By the B U T full C,
U N I, U N I,
O how hap P we'll B.
I love 2 BB side your side
B side the C,
B side the C side,
By the B U T full C!

That song, or something very similar, was written way back in 1914 by songwriters Harold Atteridge and Harry Carroll for the musical "For Me and My Gal."

Here is a glimpse of what it actually was like to be beside the seaside in 1914 and a few other years as well (3:11)

Okay, so it's not The Alphabet Song but it's the best I could come up with on a chilly day in February.

Speaking of a chilly day in February, Eastern bluebirds have been in our yard for the past couple of days, so Mrs. RWP and I went to Home Depot today and bought two new feeders along with a bag of peanut butter suet and a bag of mealworms to fill them up with. (If you want to try to rearrange the preceding sentence so that it doesn't end with two prepositions, be my guest.) Just so you know, mealworms are not really worms but dried beetle larvae, much in the same way that Yorkshire Pudding is not really a Yorkshire pudding. Please don't misunderstand me. I am not saying that Yorkshire Pudding is dried beetle larvae; I'm saying that mealworms are dried beetle larvae. The jury is still out on Yorkshire Pudding.

I did not take that photo. A man named Ken Thomas did in 2007 in Johnston County, North Carolina. He released it into the public domain, though, so anyone can use it without fear of recrimination from any Internet Nazis or deportation across our southern border by the Department of Homeland Security.

I did take these photographs of our two new bird feeders, however.

It was a chilly day. The wind was blowing and I was in shirtsleeves, so I didn't take pains to take time to produce good photographs. As a result, hardly anything in either photo appears to be vertical. In actuality, both of the shepherd's crooks are vertical but the two bird feeders were not. They were swaying in the breeze. Sorry, people, Ansel Adams I am not.

Let's end this somewhat disjointed (but fascinating) post by listening to Julie Andrews and watching Jane Darwell in her last role (3:49) together.


  1. The song reminds me of my mother's little ditty. "I C D BB's. Do U C D BB's? M N O BB's. M R flEE's." Or maybe you prefer "I C U R 2 YY'S 4 me."

  2. I must protest! I am a beetle larva! Or should that be Beatle lather in which one of the surviving Beatles lathers himself with soapsuds in his shower cubicle. Oh, good heavens, I must get that image out of my mind. Begone Ringo and cover yourself with a towel! I don't wish to see that particular wriggly larva!

  3. Emma, way back in January 2011 one of my posts contained A B C D goldfish? L M N O goldfish. O S A R, C M? and also, from one of my readers in Arkansas, F U N E M? S. F U N E X? S. Fine, I'll F M N X. I trust these make perfect sense to you.

    Yorkshire Pudding, just as not all that glitters is gold, not all that wriggles is larva. Thank you for helping to educate the vast reading audience today.


<b>I, Don[ald J.Trump] Quixote </b>

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