Sunday, May 21, 2017

A parting gift for the faithful few

Here I am playing part of the old hymn "Savior, Like A Shepherd Lead Us" on an out-of-tune piano at the Bargain Boutique, a non-profit "upscale resale shop" (their words) in a shopping center in Cumming, Georgia, where all items are donated. Sales help to fund Whispering Hope, a resource and pregnancy center for expectant mothers where clients can spend Mommy Money and Daddy Dollars earned by attending classes offered by the center.

We visited the shop this past Thursday and my friend Sylvia C., who manages the store, asked me to play something on the piano. She decided to record me after I had already played the first portion of the hymn, so all she managed to capture in the clip was the chorus. Also, she stopped one second too soon and missed my final note, a low E-flat. But you can see me reaching for it.

On that note (pun not intended), I now bid all of you a fond but hopefully not final adieu. If I had had my wits about me I would have played "God Be With You Till We Meet Again."

It has been fun and I hope it will be fun again.

Until then, you're simply going to have to fend for yourselves.


  1. That signpost is a perfect illustration of the place I so often dwell.
    Have fun in your absence.

  2. Sheesh. I don't check your blog for a few days and POOF, you've resigned. I couldn't even listen to your piano playing as the link wouldn't let me. Sniff. You will come back, won't you??? You know I lost my mom almost two years ago and now my daughter is getting married next month and moving away...Your timing is bad, Bob! Well, I've decided you can have a short sabbatical, then I shall expect you to pick back up where you left off! Harrumph. So there!
    (please do enjoy your time away!)

  3. Having taken several sabbaticals myself, I know that the siren call of the keyboard cannot be ignored forever - I look forward to your return!

  4. Enjoy every minute you have out there, and know you will be missed greatly, a sore loss to my online blogging community for friends - small, but well chosen - and if at all possible, do come back! Much love from myself and Rosie-roo dearie. Xx

  5. Hey, it says there's no content found on your playing gift page! x

  6. Don't worry. Your time in the state prison at Reidsville will soon pass and I am sure that Mrs B and the rest of the Brague clan will come to visit you once in a while. If only you hadn't done what you did but it's too late now. I will see you here in Blogland when you get out.

  7. TTFN seems to be a very apt comment!! I keep having 'time out' myself, but still get drawn back to Blogland when the fingers begin to itch, or the mind gets too full of 'stuff' to remain silent. But give yourself a pat on the back for every blogpost you've done to date, as well as passing on a pat on the back for your lady wife. Her wielding of a crochet hook deserves to be applauded! :-)

  8. Just as I manage to have read the last month of your posts (having been on my own 'real life' time out from Blogland) you now disappear. Good wishes for your vacation and, as we say in - er Hungary? - "Haste ye back."


<b>Deep in the heart of somewhere</b>

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