Saturday, May 20, 2017

Wake me up before you go-go

Well, that was quick.

I really am taking a blogging break, but I wanted to get one last post in before I ride off into the virtual sunset.

Mrs. RWP has finished the fourth of the six afghans she wants to crochet for our grandchildren as they go off to university. Here are our six in 2005:

In 2014, Elijah (the eldest, the dark-hared boy in the back row) received this red and black afghan:

In 2015, Matthew (the tallest of all) received this blue and white afghan:

In 2016, Noah, who is standing next to his brother Elijah in the photo, received this black and gold afghan:

I may have shown you these before. If I do say so myself, my photography does seem to be improving with each passing year.

This week, as I mentioned, Mrs. RWP completed this red and white afghan for Sawyer:

Here is my latest still life, "Afghan With Dogwood Blossom":

What's that? You say you would like to have a closer look to see it better? Your wish is my command:

This piece is not blown glass. It was hard-sculpted by glass artist Hoa Tan in the Hans Godo Frabel studio in Atlanta.

That leaves two more afghans to be created; one for sweet Ansley, who is our dancer/singer/actress; and one for little Sam, who is not so little any more but a member of his school's golf team and leader of the trumpet section in his high school band.

Maybe my brain is empty now.

Let the sabbatical begin.


  1. The afghans are lovely. A lot of work and love went into their making. And the dogwood blossom is exquisite.

  2. The love and care which went into those Afghans adds a whole new layer of warmth.
    And Emma is right. The dogwood IS exquisite.

  3. Well done to Mrs Brague! That's a lot of time, a lot of skill, a lot of patience and a lot of love!

    Are you sure you really need a break from blogging? Gonna miss you old chum. Please alert me via Yorkshire Pudding so that I know when to come back for more Braguish blogposts stuffed with pearls of wisdom and quirky humour.

  4. Such talent and what a beautiful family you have sir. You are blessed I really do think that and I'm glad of it. x


<b>Say what?</b>

The following commercial currently appears on television in the US: "Hi, folks, your buddy John Rich here, and if you love God a...