Thursday, October 26, 2017

Here's what I was talking about when I was talking about...

"...the brilliant reds, the dazzling yellows,
The shocking oranges of autumn, the mountains ablaze
Against a clear blue sky."

Have a peek at autumn in north Georgia!


  1. Aren't they pretty? I love autumn and the colors.

  2. Thank you for directing us to such wonderful autumnal pictures of North Georgia. They are not images I would have previously associated with your adopted state. It looks like New England.

  3. Emma, yes, they are, and so do I!

    Sue/EC, I absolutely agree!

    Yorkshire Pudding, it looks like New England because the mountains in north Georgia are at the southern end of the same range of mountains -- basically the Appalachians, although there are a number of locally-preferred names (Great Smokies, Berkshires, etc.).

  4. The trouble with fall is that it is followed by winter.

    How did the election go for you? Inquiring minds want to know. You can't keep charging me $50 a month to read your blog if you're not going to take on controversial topics, especially now that I've learned that other people get to come here for free.

  5. "the mountains in north Georgia are at the southern end of the same range of mountains -- basically the Appalachians..."

    You wouldn't know it even if you were standing on the ground looking at it, but the furthermost reach of the Appalachian Mountains lies in my home state of Mississippi.

  6. Snowbrush,

    a. Yes, but when winter comes, as it eventually will, can spring be far behind? As for the recent election, there were no statewide races in this off year. There were mayoral races in the nearby towns of Woodstock and Canton, but since I live in the unincorporated part of Cherokee County I could not vote in either of those elections. We had one Yes/No item on the ballot, the renewal of the expiring (after six years) 1% county sales tax that is added to the state sales tax. Without it, our sales tax would drop to 5%. With it, our sales tax would remain at 6%. I have read that all but 3 of the state's 159 counties have a 7% sales tax. The issue was called a SPLOST (Special Purpose Local Option Sales Tax) and didn't generate a lot of interest. Only about 10% of the county's registered voters bothered to vote (I did) and the tax ended up being extended for another six years by a 78% yes, 22% no margin. I was a yes. As for what happened in Virginia and New Jersey, I leave that up to the Virginians and New Jerseyites.

    b. I do not charge the others $50 a month because they bring me chickens and eggs occasionally. By the way, you are several years in arrears and I will soon be forced to add late fees.

    c. Your interesting link about the Appalachians corroborated what I said to Yorkshire Pudding.


<b>A whole lot of nothing sets one to thinking</b>

In the last 24 hours alone, my email inbox received 172 new messages, 171 of which held no interest for me. All but three or four of them w...