Saturday, January 20, 2018

Time marches on and on and on and on....

...and as the days go by, people mark them in various ways.

Day before yesterday (January 18th) was Orthodox Epiphany, and Vladimir Putin and lots of other people plunged themselves into icy waters to observe it.

Yesterday (January 19th) was the birthday of General Robert E. Lee (the person, not the car on The Dukes of Hazzard). He would have been 201 years old. He has become persona non grata in the politically correct circles, but I still remember him.

Today (January 20th) is the birthday of Lynne, our oldest son's wife.

I'm sure tomorrow is something. Pat, an Arkansas stamper, would say it is another day. On January 21st in 1793, Louis XVI of France was executed by guillotine.

The day after tomorrow (January 22nd) is our daughter's birthday.

On and on it goes, day after day, the world spinning on its axis, moving through space in its orbit around our sun, the whole galaxy spiraling its way through the vast universe.

Can't we all just get along?


  1. Love the last two paragraphs dearie, and I couldn't agree more.

    Tomorrow is another one too. x

    1. All Consuming, thank you. Upon review, I think I managed to sound like a combination of Carl Sagan and Rodney King.

  2. You final sentence says it all. I wish. How I wish.

    1. Sue, I do too, but there actually seem to be people who don’t. I suppose “actually seem” is an oxymoron.

  3. You remember Robert E Lee? I didn't realise you were quite that old!

    1. Ian, I used the wrong word, but I can’t find the right one. Let’s just say I remember reading about him and seeing photographs, paintings, and statues of him. In some of them he is astride his horse, Traveler.

  4. As Grace Slick from Jefferson Airplane once sang....
    "....we should be together
    Come on all you people standing around"
    I write this in response to your last two paragraphs.

  5. i sometimes wonder if I could make every day of the year an anniversary of something. If only I had kept diaries to refer to.

    August 22 I was made redundant. Aug 22 a few years later I had my second child, Aug 22 a few years later my niece was born and I'm sure something happened on a more recent Aug 22 but it can't have been quite so memorable. That date seems over represented in my life

    If we all got along, it would prevent some from having the drama they crave


<b>I, Don[ald J.Trump] Quixote </b>

Dear Reader, Enclosed please find for your consideration and entertainment a completely unauthorized ramble through the gray matter o...