Saturday, February 15, 2020

Update on Abby

The vet's office called this morning with the lab report on Abby's tumor. It was a histo-something-or-other and was benign. She is good to go but won't have the stitches removed until Feb. 24th. If she licks them too much in the meantime and the area around them begins to redden, the area could get infected. The vet recommended that we buy one of those cone-shaped Elizabethan-type collar thingies if that happens. We are hoping it will not be necessary.

With apologies in advance to Yorkshire Pudding, who will be offended, the resemblance is truly remarkable.

The doggie model is not Abby, it is an Australian kelpie, which prompts me to give a shout out to all readers from the Land of Oz.


  1. That is happy news about Abby and I hope she will not have to wear the cone of shame, that is what I call those cones.

    1. Terra, so far so good on the cone of shame front, but there are still seven days to go until Abby's stitches are removed on Feb. 24th. We are keeping our fingers crossed.

  2. Great news! Hope little Abby heals well without the collar.

    1. Kathy, great news indeed! No collar necessary so far.

  3. I am very happy to hear it was benign. I hope she heals up quickly and does not need to wear a collar. Those things do not look comfortable and I'm sure Abby would not like it.

    1. Bonnie, I don't know whether they even make a collar small enough to fit Abby, but so far she doesn't need one.

  4. Replies
    1. Graham, I told you my posts were worth reading! Glad to see that you have caught up. All is good on the Abby front but in the world at large I'm not sure.


<b>I, Don[ald J.Trump] Quixote </b>

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