Friday, July 14, 2023

She’s a young thing and cannot leave her mother

I hate earworms with a vengeance, with every fiber of my being. I cannot overstate this. A fragment of a tune or a lyric gets stuck in one's my brain and plays itself over and over and over again, driving one me to distraction.

It happened again recently, starting up without warning in the middle of the night. All I could think of for several hours was "Can she bake a cherry pie, Billy Boy, Billy Boy? Can she bake a cherry pie, charming Billy?" It went away eventually, but not until the middle of the next afternoon.

In other news, I continue to enjoy watching Jeopardy! but am making a concerted effort not to burden you with it. You can rest assured, however, that I remain at my post, yelling at my television set five evenings a week, important things like "What is a highboy?", "Who are C.S. Lewis and J.R.R.Tolkien?", "What is a hatrack?", and "What is the Rhine?" while the real contestants stand mute.

Today, le quatorze juillet, is the 234th anniversary of the storming of the Bastille on July 14, 1789, a major event in the French Revolution. I wonder if Marie Antoinette could bake a cherry pie.


  1. I wonder if Marie Antoinette had a charming Billy?

    1. Marie had lived such a privileged life that she did not understand that if the bakery was out of bread cake could be a good replacement. As for your earworm just sing it to someone else. It will move to them and you will be worm free.

    2. Red, I don't know if she had a charming Billy but she definitely had a charming Louis (XVI). Unfortunately, they couldn't keep their heads about them.

    3. Emma, I didn't sing it, I published it in this post instead. And, lo and behold, it moved to Tasker Dunham in England!

  2. You should go on Jeopardy. You might win. You only live once

    1. kylie, thanks for the encouragement but I won't be trying to go on Jeopardy for the following reasons: First, I would have to go to California and I haven't flown since the unpleasantness on September 11, 2001. Second, my eyesight isn't what it used to be and I don't think I would be able to see the clues in person. Third, since isuccess depends largely on the categories, I don't want to risk looking llike a complete fool on national television. I am content to play the game in my living room and feeling superior from a distance.

  3. By musical association, you've started me off on a similar tune, 'Come lasses and lads, take leave of your dads, and away to the maypole high ..."

  4. I love these old songs. You have tickles my fancy because I now have Billy Boy going through my head too. What a naughy song: "She lay as close to me, as the bark does to the tree"! The line I have always liked is, "She can make an Irish stew, aye, and singin' hinnies too". About three years ago, we stayed at Whitley Bay, north of Newcastle, and on the menu in one of the places we ate were singin' hinnies.

    1. Tasker, I never heard or read the naughty verses. I am pure as the driven slush.

  5. Greetings once more Robert!

    Can you bake a cherry pie Marie girl, Marie girl?
    Can you bake a cherry pie charming Marie?
    I can make a cherry pie,
    Quick as a cat can wink an eye,
    I'm a young thing
    And cannot leave my mother.

    1. Yorkshire Pudding (Neil), you are very droll but also historically accurate. Marie Antoinette was just 14 years old when she married Louis.


<b>I, Don[ald J.Trump] Quixote </b>

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