Friday, December 15, 2023

Attention: Graham Edwards

I want to assure you, Graham, that I did not check your maths (in the U.S. we say your math) because I was aware instantly that the difference between 2023 and 1907 is 116. No calculations were necessary, either mentally or with benefit of paper and pencil, and if a mental calculation did occur it happened so rapidly and automatically that the result obtained bordered on what some might call intuitively obvious, except perhaps to children in primary school.

That's my story and I'm sticking to it. I have better things to do than sit around fact-checking everything I read, and if you give me a few minutes I'm sure I will think of some of them.

P.S. - A very happy what-would-have-been-his-birthday to your father.


  1. Facility with Maths or math, whatever your favoured noun, is a gift freely given to many. You are indeed fortunate to have a mind as sharp as a tack. Would that we lesser mortals (well, me) could have such ability. I await an epiphany in this regard . . . ;-)

  2. Thank you, Bob. Math(s) and English Language and Literature were my best subjects in Grammar (secondary?) School. When I left school I went into accountancy but abandoned it very rapidly. My career thereafter concentrated on words: my degrees being in Public Administration and Business Administration before I read English law which I abandoned when I came to live in Scotland where I was a bureaucrat and words were the tools of my trade. So I am very happy when people check my math(s) but disappointed when my words lead to misunderstanding (unless, of course, that is the intention!) .


<b>I, Don[ald J.Trump] Quixote </b>

Dear Reader, Enclosed please find for your consideration and entertainment a completely unauthorized ramble through the gray matter o...