Thursday, February 29, 2024

,Look before you leap always good advice (better safe than sorry), but especially so today because today is the Leap Day that occurs once every four yars in the Julian calendar. It is also the birthday of two of my friends in real life, Dick S. and Walter T., the latter of whom is no longer with us.

The country in yesterday's Globle game was Oman. The country in English Worldle was Tajkistan. I got both of those. The country in French Worldle was Burundi. I didn't get that one. Call me crazy, but i really enjoy identifying countries by their silhouttes (Worldle) and by their distance from and in what direction from wrong guesses (both Globle and Worldle).

The blank stares I found most surprising on Jeopardy! in the last week occurred in a category called 4 Words. The clue was 'Poet John Greenleaf Whittier wrote that of all sad words of tongue or pen, the saddest are these.'

All together now, class, the answer in the form of a question is 'What are "it might have been"?'. Without looking it up, do you know the name of the poem by Whittier from which those lines come? I do, thanks to who else?, my old English teacher Mr. D.P. Morris back in Mansfield, Texas, seven decades ago.

A short and hopefully sweet post today, and now that you have looked, you may take a flying leap and hurtle another 1.6 million miles along the path that is the earth's 584,000,000-mile-orbit around the nearest star, a path that takes (as readers of this blog should know) 365.25 days to complete.

All together now...3, 2, 1, LEAP!


  1. I had to look up the poet. I liked the parody of Maud Muller.

    1. He was also known, back in the days when patriotism was considered a virtue in the US, for his poem "Barbara Frietchie" which contained the line " 'Shoot if you must this old gray head, but spare your country's flag,' she said." Thank you, Janice.

  2. 584 million miler. It's a mere hop rather than a leap.

    1. Agreed, a miniscule jaunt at best in the larger scheme of things. Thank you, Tasker.

  3. That quote is from Maud Miller. Bret Harte took it one step further. He added: More sad are these we daily see:
    'It is, but hadn't ought to be

    1. Did you know that already, or did you look it up in Wikipedia, Emma? Either way, you are correct except for what I assume is just a typographical error as the poem is Maud Muller, not Maud Miller. I added a factoid about Whittier in my reply to jabblog. Here are a couple more. He was known as an abolitionist Quaker poet. The city of Whittier, California is named for him. In addition, Whittier College in Whittier, Californis is also named for him. Richard Milhous Nixon obtained his undergraduate degree from Whittier College before going on to Duke University's Law School. Thank you, Emma.


<b>I, Don[ald J.Trump] Quixote </b>

Dear Reader, Enclosed please find for your consideration and entertainment a completely unauthorized ramble through the gray matter o...