Tuesday, March 31, 2009

He's ba-a-a-a-ack!

Those of you who have spent the past four days staring at the photo in my previous post can do something else now.

Just like General Douglas MacArthur, I have returned. (Click on photo to get the full effect.)

Okay, so maybe not just like General Douglas MacArthur. At any rate, Mrs. RWP and I have been in Alabamistan helping our daughter with a few things for a few days, but now we are back in north Georgia in our regular digs.

Tomorrow, being April 1 and all, is April Fools Day (or April Fool’s Day, or April Fools’ Day, or whatever the heck it is) and many people around the world are holding their collective breaths to see whether the dreaded Conficker-C worm will strike their computers. I refer you to the following article that my son sent to me:

Emergency Alert Notice -- Computer Worm Infecting Systems Globally -- Warning of Increased Activity on April 1st

Information Security organizations around the world are bracing for the next wave of a computer worm (malware), known as the “Conficker C” variant, that has been infecting networks and computers around the world since late last year. This virus has instructions that will be executed on infected systems on Wednesday, April 1st. The exact nature of the activity that will be launched is not known, but will affect millions of computers that are already infected. This virus is particularly stubborn to clean up -- so much so that it is recommended that an infected system should be wiped clean and the operating system reinstalled from scratch.

Since its emergence in November 2008, the Conficker worm, also known as Downadup, has gone through several variations. The current variant of the malware, first observed March 6, 2009, is known as Conficker C. This variant contains logic that will become active on April 1, 2009. The exact nature of the activity that will occur on that day is not known at this time. It is known that the malware will begin querying domains for new instructions/payload, as it has done in the past. It is critical that currently infected systems are cleaned before April 1. It should be noted that Conficker C no longer spreads like the previous versions, making detection of infected hosts more difficult. The current variant has added additional defenses against detection and removal, such as disabling Windows services, anti-virus products and analysis tools and preventing the infected host from reaching security-related websites.

(End of article)

I was going to tell you that as long as you have good anti-virus software installed and a firewall, you should be safe. That’s what I was going to tell you, until I read the last sentence in the article. Now I can’t tell you that. Darn.

I sincerely hope this is a menace on the order of The Great Y2K Hullaballoo Over Nothing that occurred in 1999 and that we will all come through it with flying colors (or, as they say in the United Kingdom, unscathed).

But if sometime today, when you least expect it (as Allen Funt used to say on Candid Camera), your cyberworld comes crashing down around you, you can’t say you weren’t warned.


  1. Welcome back. I just returned as well. Spent a few days at the coast with my sister. So this worm...I don't know what to believe. I guess we will soon see. I'm on a Mac so I don't expect to have too many problems. But you never know.

  2. I'm glad your back. Thanks for visiting my blog. I was driving a Nash Metropolitan when I graduated from high school. The other guys had Mustangs and GTO's, but I had a Metropolitan.

    An Arkies Musings

  3. Welcome back, RWP. If you've read my comments to your earlier posts, don't you wish *I* was still gone? :)

  4. i love your pictures, i wish i could post pic's....what memories, mcarthur, allen funt, i am kind of ashmed of my new blog on the same old address because my wife sayss as long as she is forgotten she won't make me move...i don't feel like my writing syle is me yet...i am too careful

  5. I think having a Mac is its own reward this time around.

  6. Yes, I join in the chorus of "welcome back"! So far, my computer is still working. I have an outside security source, so hopefully they are on the ball. Guess I should go check the news reports to see how things are turning out today with the foolish worm.

  7. Glad your back. Thanks for the comment.

    Have you ever seen or read "Bang the Drum Slowly?"

  8. As usual, thanks to everyone for commenting. So far, so good as far as avoiding the Conficker-C worm threat.

    Egghead - The worms just seem to have it in for FOBG (friends of Bill Gates).

    richies - I have never known anyone else who ever admitted to driving a Nash Metropolitan. Confession is good for the soul.

    Pat - Arkansas, formerly Pat - an Arkansas Stamper - I categorically deny that I wish you were still gone.

    Putz - Well, you can't be too careful, I suppose, but don't fret over it. Just be yourself and it will flow naturally. I would love to see pictures of all those places you mentioned on your first post, though.

    Rosezilla - The first rule for Mac users, which I just made up, is this: Don't gloat when you're with PC ninnies. They feel bad enough already.

    Jeannelle - And it was not an April Fool joke.

    Reamus - I don't think I have ever read or seen Bang the Drum Slowly, but now I may just have to find it.

  9. The movie adaptation of the book was very well done...might even be better as a visual experience.
    Not a happy book by any means..

  10. Will you be amazed when I tell you that Kwanzan Cherry trees are sold by a nursery in ... TyTy, GEORGIA! (among many other places). What sort of name is TyTy, anyway?


    P.S. I "borrowed" a Nash Metropolitan (bright red) when I found the keys in it. It belonged to a college friend. To teach him a lesson, I moved it to the other side of the campus. It took him a while to find it, and he had to come to me to get the keys. However, he didn't leave the keys in it again. I know, because I looked every time I saw it parked.


<b>I, Don[ald J.Trump] Quixote </b>

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