Sunday, May 10, 2009

For Mother's Day: The Sunday Funnies

Anybody out there remember Art Linkletter?

He’s still around, about to turn 97 in July. In his day he may have been more popular than Ralph Edwards and Bob Barker and Bill Cullen combined. Or maybe I just have a bad memory.

I always liked the interviews with children that Linkletter did on his television program, House Party. Someone sent me a 7-minute video clip of some of those interviews the other day. We should thank a very nice lady named Carolyn for preserving the precious moments of laughter we are about to share. And we must also warn a certain other very nice lady in Arkansas (Pat, I’m talking about you) to prepare for the possibility of a Pond Spell.

Without further delay, then, here -- complete with an introduction by Bill Cosby -- is:

Kids Say the Darnedest Things


  1. I listened to Art Linkletter on the radio when I was growing up.. Thanks for the memories

    An Arkies Musings

  2. I remember Art Linkletter. It seems to me I used to watch him after school.

  3. Yes, I remember Art Linkletter. Am happy to hear he's still living!

    The video was great, especially the Adam & Eve part.....haha....God punished Eve by making her a housewife!!

    Hope it was a pleasant Mothers Day around your house.

  4. I didn't quite have a Pond spell (thanks for thinking of me, though), but I did laugh out loud several times! I loved to listen to/watch Art Linkletter, and glad to know he's still around.

  5. Oh, yes, I remember him and his hilarious child guests. I was one of those types of kids, just blurted out things without thinking, that embarrassed my mom no end. I guess I've grown up - now sometimes I can catch them with the tip of my tongue and pull them back in, just in the nick of time!

  6. As Antonio Bandera says on that irritating television commercial in which he is a bee, "Hello, my flowers"....

    richies, Ruth, Jeannelle, Pat, Rosezilla - Thanks for stopping by!


<b>How not to win friends and influence people </b>

I remember watching television in 1968 as anti-Vietnam War protesters yelled, "Hey, hey, LBJ, how many kids did you kill toda?" ...