Tuesday, May 19, 2009

A very important day in the history of mankind

May 19 is the 139th day of the year (140th in leap years) in the Gregorian calendar. There are 226 days remaining until the end of the year.

On this day in 1935, T. E. Lawrence, known to the world as Lawrence of Arabia, died in Britain.

On this day in 1994, Jacqueline Lee (“Jackie”) Bouvier Kennedy Onassis, the wife of the 35th president on the United States, John F. Kennedy, died in Manhattan.

On this day in 1971, Ogden Nash, an American poet, died.

On this day in 1864, Nathaniel Hawthorne, an American author who wrote The Scarlet Letter and The House of the Seven Gables, died.

On this day in 1536, Anne Boleyn, second wife of Henry VIII, was beheaded.

But enough about death and sadness. Let’s talk about something happier.

On this day in 1946, André the Giant, a French professional wrestler, was born.

On this day in 1941, Nora Ephron, an American screenwriter (can you say Sleepless in Seattle?) was born.

On this day in 1861, Dame Nellie Melba, an Australian opera singer, was born. She was not named a Dame until some time later, probably after she had taken a few singing lessons. Her operatic career was so successful that a dessert, Peach Melba, was named for her. Peach Nellie just didn’t have the proper ring to it.

According to Wikipedia, on this day in 1962 a birthday salute to U.S. President John F. Kennedy took place at Madison Square Garden in New York City. The highlight was Marilyn Monroe’s rendition of Happy Birthday. Either Wikipedia is wrong about the date or this is very strange indeed, because President Kennedy’s birthday wasn’t for another ten days. Perhaps he planned to be sailing in Hyannisport. Perhaps Marilyn Monroe’s presence was required on a movie set. Perhaps Madison Square Garden was already rented out by someone with more pull.

But all of those events fade into insignificance when compared to the chief reason May 19 is a very important day in the history of mankind. The chief reason May 19 is a very important day in the history of mankind is that on this day in 1963, forty-six years ago, Mrs. RWP and I were married in a little church in Orlando, Florida.

Although it is our policy never to allow photographs of ourselves to be published, on this happy occasion we will make an exception.


  1. Happy Anniversary, Mr. and Mrs. RWP! And, many, many more.

    BTW, your wedding photo is just charming, and so familiar.:)

  2. Wow, you look downright... Royal!!! Congratulations to the pair of you and many, many happy returns of the day.

  3. i loved your picture of our young queen and her young husband...i went to the diabetic doc today and he said that once you reach 45 it is not physical age any more that determines age{does that not make sense>>????} but health and that aloneand some 45 year olds are 98 and some 98 year olds are 45 and that if i don't control my colestrial, blood sugar and pressure i will be in an early grave

  4. Oh, cautious Rhymsie.....Congratulations to you and Mrs. Rhymsie on this very special day! You could post your wedding picture....I mean, stalkers couldn't use it to identify you because you probably look quite a bit different now than you did back then. Or, maybe you two DO look the same now as back then. For all I know, that could be the case.

    The most important word in that above paragraph is "CONGRATULATIONS!" And, may many, many more anniversaries await Mr. & Mrs. RWP.

    P.S.- All the other info about May 19 was very interesting. Thanks for including it.

  5. P.S. I am pleased to see Penelope Smith's poem on your sidebar. Very fitting for the type of blog you have. Well chosen!

  6. Thanks to one and all for your kind thoughts on this special occasion.

    Pat - I had to pay extra to rent all those medals.

    Rosezilla (Tracie) - Do you mean as in typewriter or as in pudding?

    Putz (David) - Whaddaya mean, YOUR young queen? She's mine, and always has been. Incidentally, your doctor is wrong in one respect; it's much too late for you to be in an "early" grave. At 66 or 67 or whatever you are, you are getting nearer every day to completing your "threescore years and ten" and anything beyond that is sheer gravy, in my humble opinion. (My mother died at 47 and my dad at 60.) Just thank God (yes, with a capital G) for every day He gives you life and breath.

    Jeannelle - That's it exactly! We look EXACTLY like we did in our twenties! And thank you for noticing!

  7. Pat's P.S. - I acquired jinksy's permission to post it; I thought it fit in quite well with the ambience here.

  8. Gosh - I got picture of you both on a mug!

  9. Congratulations!

    I didn't realize until just now that you and I may have already met in person...in Europe...in 1977.

    Or not. But either way, heartfelt congratulations and I hope Mrs. RWP is as happy about it as you are!

  10. Happy Anniversary to you and your lovely wife.
    May you live long and happy and healthy. The toast is on you :)

  11. Happy (belated) anniversary.

    I love the portrait!

  12. jinksy - Our mugs on your mug, imagine that!

    Sam - Thanks for the heartfelt congratulations! By the way, (a) I was in Europe in 1969, but not in 1977, and (b) I hope the same thing as you.

    A Lady's Life (if that is really your name - Thanks for the kind thoughts. We usually take our toast with orange marmalade.

    Ruth - We had just been pronounced man and wife, as I recall.

  13. i am so upset today with dick cheyney...he is a ----

  14. Putz - Oh, goodie, a riddle! Let's see, um, er...former Vice President???

  15. Congratulations to The Plagues! 46years is an amazing achievement... However, there won't be many more weeks to go as you have committed treason by posting a photo of our beloved Queen and Prince Philip and falsely implying that this was your own wedding photo! Even now beefeaters from The Tower of London are headed for Georgia with their medieval weaponry so watch your back!

  16. YP - The beefeaters from the Tower of London with their medieval weaponry will be no match for the Department of Homeland Security, the Immigration and Naturalization Service, the CIA, the FBI, and Judge Judy. I can rest more or less easily.

  17. Rinkly Rimes (Brenda) - Thank you for visiting my blog! I believe you are a "first-timer" here; do come back often. Perhaps we are distant cousins as your name is "Rimes" and mine is "Rhymes" -- or perhaps it is just a coincidence.

    I agree; the world is busy, busy, busy!


<b>How not to win friends and influence people </b>

I remember watching television in 1968 as anti-Vietnam War protesters yelled, "Hey, hey, LBJ, how many kids did you kill toda?" ...