Tuesday, November 3, 2009


Perhaps Majority Leader Steny Hoyer is sharing with Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi some ways to convince recalcitrant members of the U.S. House of Representatives to cast their votes in favor of the healthcare bill.

Or perhaps he is telling her the names of people who might be willing to donate money to her re-election campaign.

But in my heart of hearts what I really think he is saying is:

“Jesus is coming. Look busy.”


  1. Uh-oh, somebody's been watching "Johnny English" again... I don't know what he is saying to her, but she has the same perturbed look on her face that my mother used to get when I was a little girl and we'd get all settled at, say, a parade or something, and I would whisper, "Where's the bathroom?"

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. jesus is coming....be busy though,not look busy..look bob i stayed on topic

  4. In any case she doesn't look happy. Odd because she is pretty much getting her way.

  5. Or maybe he's just stifling a sneeze.

  6. Then again, maybe Rosezilla and Sissy have it right, and he just needs a potty.


<b>I, Don[ald J.Trump] Quixote </b>

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