Thursday, August 18, 2011

Lance Armstrong I am not

I didn’t realize what a wimp I am until I saw this video of Daniel Barlow (Putz’s son) riding his mountain bike on the Flume Trail Downhill in Ephraim Canyon, Utah (5:06).

It is scary as all get out.

And yes, it really is Putz’s son leading the way. I quote from Daniel’s blog:

“This is the video of me riding my mountain bike down on my hometown trail. My brother was a on motorbike behind me video taping me. I didn’t know he was taping me at all until he told me down at the bottom. I was showing him and his two boys some trails in Ephraim Canyon. If I’d knew [sic] he was taping me, I would get all nervous and wreck all over the place! I didn’t do too bad, did I? I love this trail. By the way, I did some of the trail work, like that big bridge right at first. Still holding up! I’ve overheard someone saying it was built by the Army Corps. of Engineers! I should be proud of myself!”

I said in a comment, “Is this really you, Daniel? Dude! It is some scary biking to this easterner’s eyes! At 4:36 it changes to a different bike and a different, smaller rider wearing a brown jacket. What’s with that?”

And Daniel replied, “Well, I was leading my brother and his two boys (they were on motor bikes and I was on a mountain bike) on this trail. They’ve never ridden the trail before and I have and that’s why I was in front. Yeah, I have ridden in the east before and in the west, there’s some scary mountain trails!”

I will now make a confession (forgive me, Snow, it’s been 70 years since my last confession). Here goes:

I never learned how to ride a bicycle. But even if I had, I don’t think I would be attempting the Flume Trail Downhill in Ephraim, Utah. Before I would do so much as walk on that trail, let alone ride a bike, guard rails would have to be installed along its entire length.

My admiration for Daniel Barlow knows no bounds. I am in awe.

I dare you to watch that video again without wincing at the narrowness of the trail and the number of sheer drops into the canyon. This time before you start, though, right-click your mouse on the screen and select Enter Full Screen to see it even better.


  1. the problem with daniel's riding is that he does it alone generally><>this time he had brother and nephews with him but generally he is up there with the bears and cougars riding horrid trails alone<>><>,.his dad goes to most of his races with him

  2. Putz, I can certainly see why you would be concerned about him. A person could have an accident and never be found in that country. It's probably exhilarating to be the one doing the riding, but I personally will never know that particular thrill. I might post another of Daniel's videos just to keep my readers on the edges of their seats.

  3. I was doing fine until I opened my eyes. That is some drop on the right. I don't suppose you get many people walking that trail. Or maybe you do and they are just dusty bones at the nottom of the canyon!

  4. Oops! That should be bottom, not nottom!

  5. Kudos to Deniel on his skills and, should I say, bravery! Gives me shudders, it does. Also, hats off to the brave soul who was not only riding a motorbike behind, but was filming the adventure as well!

  6. Thank heavens a little old lady walking her Yorkie wasn't coming up the path!
    If you do decide to take up cycling Robert, please would you post a picture of yourself in a cycling helmet? I think a Barbie pink coloured one would suit your complexion.

  7. Y.P., How often do you let little old ladies walk you? Do they put you on a leash?

  8. There is a fine line between bravery and stupidity. I'm glad I don't have children. And I'm very glad I don't have children who ride their bikes up and down trails like this one, although the scenery is gorgeous. Some heart stopping moments there. I forgot to breathe when he rode across the bridge he's built so cleverly. Man!

    Poor Putz ;-)

  9. Carolina, doing anything alone in the wilderness is not a good idea, if you ask me. Of course, no one did. But surely there is more safety in numbers than in solitude, at least in that particular remote setting.


<b>I, Don[ald J.Trump] Quixote </b>

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