Thursday, October 13, 2011

There’s no business like show business

If God should ever decide to save the world through tap dancing, this just might do the trick (4:14).

I mean, it’s impossible to get into trouble and tap dance at the same time.

Think of all the wars that would be prevented, all the crimes that would never be committed, all the rapes that would never occur, all the tears that would never be shed.

Just don’t hold your breath.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Ah yes, but if God meant us to tap-dance, he would have shod us like horses.

  3. Elizabeth, this was a purely hypothetical and utterly ridiculous post, saving-the-world-wise, and the supposed efficacy of the means should have been immediately suspect. Actually, I was just taken with the complete artificiality of the Broadway (or West End) musical, noting how unlike real life it is in every way, the quintessential evidence being that in such musicals everyone breaks into song and dance at the slightest provocation, which people do not do in real life, at least where I live. I do agree with you that Anything Most Definitely Doesn't Go, but I challenge you to find a flaw in premise that if we all just tap-danced our way through life we (a) wouldn't have TIME to get into trouble and (b) wouldn't have the DEXTERITY to get into trouble and (c) wouldn't have the ENERGY LEFT to get into trouble.

    Shooting Parrots, if God meant humans to smoke he would have put chimneys on our heads instead of ears. Are you actually implying that God does NOT mean for us to tap-dance? Sacrilege, sir, and again I say, Sacrilege!

  4. Bob, I'm sorry...I didn't mean...

    It just reminded me of a funny story, that was all, that I thought I'd post rather than fit into the comment box. I realised what you were doing. I do apologise.

  5. Elizabeth, everything's fine. We were just having a slightly tongue-in-cheek conversation! There's no need to apologise or delete your comment! Oh, and upon reviewing my first reply to you, it was my own post that I meant was ridiculous, certainly not yours! I hope I didn't cause any consternation at your end.

    I think I shall have to use exclamation points in the future to indicate when I am intending to be humorous. Not to worry. And please stop apologising! Please stop deleting your comments! :)

  6. It was only this -

  7. A lovely diversion from the grim realities of life. That lead lady is a real "presence" on the stage - filled with talent and joie-de-vivre. It is not just tap-dancing that could save the world but car maintenance and stamp collecting too. Not at the same time I hasten to add.

  8. i enjoyed the comment on my past tense blog<><>< this is hard because all your peanut gallery have no idea what i said what the commenter above you said and what you said but all in all i guess you meant God should not be bribed

  9. Elizabeth, I finally read your "Toe-Tapping Toddler" post, and I stand corrected! A person can indeed get in trouble and tap dance at the same time!

    Y.P., also long-distance swimming and origami.

    Putz, I meant nothing of the sort. I meant God CANNOT be bribed.

  10. Maybe judges should start sentencing people to tap-dance school. One - they'd learn something new. Two - exercise. Three - they might like it so much they return to the straight and narrow way, never to stray towards a life of crime ever again.

  11. Robert, sir, the ability for a man to recognise that he misjudged the situation and the person, pronounced too quickly and reacted badly is an all too rare one. The ability to apologise and utter the word, "sorry" is even rarer. The fact that you have capacity for both shows that you are a gentleman of grace, depth and honour and I respect you greatly for it.

    Would that there were more like you.

    I accept your apology wholeheartedly. Let us dance on... XX

  12. Wine, then again, maybe not. We might end up with whatever comes after break dancing, rap, and hip-hop.

    Elizabeth, and 1-2-3, 1-2-3...

  13. I should simply like to point out that the last comment delete had absolutely NOTHING to do with me, Bob!

    Step...Tap...Stomp. ♥

  14. Elizabeth, I know. Actually that was moi. I put it on the wrong post!

    And a-one, and a-two...


<b>I, Don[ald J.Trump] Quixote </b>

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