Sunday, December 25, 2011

To all of my friends in Blogland, here’s...

...not mud in your eye,...

...not looking at you kid,...

...not even Johnny (with apologies to Ed McMahon),...

no, here’s the young Elvis (2:38) to help you make it through the season.

Though if you need the young Elvis (or any of those other people) to help you make it through the season, you’re (a) probably worse off than anybody thought and (b) definitely living in the past.

I’m just sayin’....


  1. Remembering when he first sang that, wow eons ago! Happy you stopped by for a was nice to have you!

  2. A belated thank you for this as I'm just catching up on my blog reading. As it was, I made it through Christmas without Elvis and not too much looking back at the past!

  3. i really shoud blog this,><>we were having a wonderful christmas and last night's pageant was fabulous<<>> i was the christmas star this year<><>no lines to read, most of them read by our 5 year old, and then on today, yes christmas day we were at mike our son{barlow buzz} in gunnison for christmas day dinner where we supplied the ham, wonderful when all of a sudden my daughter ran in with her hearing dog<><>now you have to understand that she is unmarried and this is her companion><><><><>rthe dog had been ferously kicked by a pony<><><>head was kicked backwards on his head and was out like a light<><>><><>now us mormons are probably kooky because my daughter wanted me to bless this dog with concecrated oil whic i did and blessd him to heal quickly, when my daugher in law says, he has a broken neck, he cannot live for much longer<><><>well when the vet looked at him, and you can go to the bank on the truth of this<><><>he said there is a little spot on his face by his nose that is bruised but other than that there is nothing wrong with this dog<>><<>what about the neck and he said terriers have very flexable necks and 2 days later he is running around<>><>the head did not swell and that was the only thign the doctor said to look for<>><>so a christmas miracle<>>><><>also what vet would leave his family for a dog on christmas???????

  4. Theanne (and Baron), wow, it was eons ago, wasn't it? Back then my hair was not gray and I had a waistline....

    Parrots/Ian, when a person can make it through Christmas without Elvis the end of the world can't be far off.

    Putz/David, now that's the old Putz I remember! What a great story! Doctors always attempt to explain away miracles...terriers have flexible necks, that's a good one! (Maybe more people will end up reading about your Christmas Day experience over here than over there....)

    I may make a post out of your comment.


<b>Of the people, by the people, and for the people </b>

Today is what used to be celebrated in this country as Lincoln's Birthday because Abraham Lincoln, 16th president of the United States ...