Friday, May 1, 2015

Just a song at twilight, modified by someone with powers of observation that tend toward the mathematical on occasion (that would be moi)

She’ll be comin’ round the parabola when she comes,
She’ll be comin’ round the parabola when she comes,
She’ll be comin’ round the parabola,
She’ll be comin’ round the parabola,
She’ll be comin’ round the parabola when she comes.


  1. I very much doubt that there are any parabolic curves on a railway. The trains would fall off at the apex.
    It is a wonderful photograph.

  2. Did you take that photo RWP? Last century perhaps? Parabola sure rolls off the tongue better than mountain.

  3. LightExpectations, it's not my photo. I think the scene is in Scotland.

    Speaking of Scotland, a gracious hello to Adrian! What if the parabola were purely horizontal, not vertical like the Gateway Arch in St. Louis? Would the train still fall off?

    Carol in Cairns in Far North Queensland, no, it's not my photo. The scene is somewhere in Scotland and I've only been over Scotland at 30,000 feet.

    Snowbrush, why, thank you! (although I had nothing to do with it except bringing it to your attention)....

  4. Riding six square integers when she comes...
    Love that image.

  5. Elephant's Child, we will all go trapezoidal when she comes....


<b>I, Don[ald J.Trump] Quixote </b>

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