Friday, May 8, 2015

Seventy years ago today

Before Margaret Thatcher, before David Cameron, before Nick Clegg, before Nigel Farage, before the Scottish National Party, there was:

V.E. Day 1945

Elections come and elections go, but some things are definitely worth remembering.

Celebrate the good things.


  1. I am sorry RWP ~ the likeness in those royal waves is almost scary ~ like a salute.

  2. Great picture! Thanks for the trivia tidbit ~ good to know.

  3. Our dearly beloved Queen and her sister Princess Margaret sneaked out of Buckingham Palace to join the celebrating VE London crowds unnoticed. She has said it was one of the best nights of her life and if I had been there I would have hugged her and perhaps become her husband - The Duke of Sheffield or Prince Pudding. Both titles would suit me admirably. Lady Carol of Cairns would have been our lady in waiting and The Marquis of Brague would have been my personal valet as I have never liked polishing shoes.

  4. The majority of our royals favoured Hitler. Churchill only comes out well because the winners write history and we were still too frightened of the Germans to demand reparation.
    He was an evil sod.

  5. The Queen Mum looks frighteningly like Hyacinth Bucket in that photo.

  6. What a photo ...

    I agree with the young Elephant, but it's "Beu-Kaie".

  7. "V.E. Day 1945"

    Yep, Victory in England Day. It’s hard to believe that the American Revolution happened so recently.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.


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