Thursday, May 7, 2015

The grass is green, the sun has riz -- I wonder where the birdies is

Today’s post is the Pollyanna-ish one I promised a few posts back.

I thought I would show you the view that Mrs. RWP and I enjoy from our kitchen door:

I have to admit that places like Baltimore and Benghazi and Baghdad and events like today’s British election seem very far away on mornings like this one.

In Pippa Passes, Robert Browning wrote:

The year’s at the spring,
And day’s at the morn;
Morning’s at seven;
The hill-side’s dew-pearled;
The lark’s on the wing;
The snail’s on the thorn;
God’s in His heaven—
All’s right with the world!

...and it certainly seems that way from our kitchen door. Still, I can’t stop thinking about places like Baltimore and Benghazi and Baghdad and events like today’s British election.

Sorry, Pollyanna.


  1. I find it pays to appreciate what you have and not ponder too much on the troubles of the world. Our election, whatever the result will make little difference to me or anyone else living here.

  2. Adrian is quite right. The view is beautiful, enjoy!

  3. Such a beautiful contrast to the last time you shared your view of the snowdrifts RWP.

  4. What a lovely garden you have Bob! And so neat and tidy. I am going to call it Bragueworld and hope that you will reveal more about it - including the location of the wall safe!

  5. Such a green and pleasant land... Love the splash of petunia colour.
    Where are the birdies? When the sun has riz here (an hour or more away) they will be on our veranda. Spreading seed far and wide. And defiling every surface.

  6. Who grows the flowers? I do at our house. Peggy might buy them, and talk about "us" caring for them, but it's never "us;" it's always me.


<b>I, Don[ald J.Trump] Quixote </b>

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