Monday, May 2, 2016

How to reduce global warming

It came to me in a flash.

There are roughly 7,300,000,000 people alive on planet earth today (actually there are more than that, but I'm rounding to keep things simple) and there are 365 days in a year. Therefore, every single day, 20,000,000 people celebrate their birthdays.

Let's ban putting candles on birthday cakes.

Wasn't that simple?

It might even usher in a new ice age.

I don't know why no one has thought of this before.

Someone should nominate me for a Nobel Prize.


  1. No chance of an ice age with the USA producing twice the carbon emissions per capita of anywhere else, that is an awful lot of candles.

  2. Adrian, actually you are wrong. According to Wikipedia here several countries are in the same range in 2014 when it comes to tonnes of carbon dioxide emissions annually per capita:

    U.S. 16.5
    Canada 15.9
    Saudi Arabia 16.8
    Australia 17.3
    Kazakhstan 14.2
    United Arab Emirates 21.3

    In total raw figures, there were 35,669,000 kilotons emitted annually worldwide in 2014. China emitted 10,540,000 kilotons and the U.S. emitted 5,334,000 kilotons annually. In third place is the European Union with 3,415,000 kilotons emitted annually.

  3. "In total raw figures, there were 35,669,000 kilotons emitted annually worldwide in 2014. China emitted 10,540,000 kilotons and the U.S. emitted 5,334,000 kilotons annually. In third place is the European Union with 3,415,000 kilotons emitted annually."
    Now check out these related figures:-
    Population of USA = 319 million
    Population of China = 1.4 billion
    Population of European Union = 508 million

    As Americans are wont to say - You do the math. I'm just sayin'.

  4. Does anyone know what a kiloton of carbon dioxide actually looks like? I've never seen one, which is odd with so much of the stuff floating around up there in the sky.

    Personally, I'd ban marizpan from birthday cakes which are responsible for far more carbon emissions than candles in my opinion.


<b>I, Don[ald J.Trump] Quixote </b>

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