Saturday, January 21, 2017

Hanoi Jane, 1972

This post was inspired by a line in my Anguish Languish parody of "A, You're Adorable" which I called The Oliver Bit Song (you can read the whole thing here), specifically the words "Fonda wonder shrew"....

Personally, her little trip to North Vietnam turns my stomach. If you want to know more, you'll have to look it up for yourself.

P.S. - After composing this post a couple of days ago and scheduling it for tomorrow, I heard on the telly that Ms. Fonda will participate in today's Women's March On Washington, a Planned Parenthood sponsored abortion rights women's reproductive health issues event scheduled during the Presidential Inauguration festivities. Perfect timing for my post, so I decided to publish it today instead.


  1. I did not comment on this post yesterday because I had no witty comment. Today I still have nothing. Sorry.

  2. She did the Peace Movement no good by taking aim with that North Vietnam anti-aircraft gun.

    “Planned Parenthood sponsored abortion rights women's reproductive health issues event scheduled during the Presidential Inauguration festivities.”

    Do you actually believe that Planned Parenthood was the only sponsor, or that the 3.3. million marchers in 500 cities around the world ONLY cared about abortion rights? Since you really don’t appear to know, I’ll mention that the ACLU, the Natural Resources Defense Council, Emily’s List, the Human Rights Campaign, the American Federation of Teachers, the United Healthcare Workers, Move On, and NARAL, were also sponsors of the Washington March, but that not everyone who marched belonged to any of these organizations.

  3. Emme, It's hard to be witty on this particular subject. I am trying to decide whether leaving a comment that says you had nothing to say is the same thing as saying nothing. I think they are different.

    Snowbrush, of course I knew that Planned Parenthood wasnot the only sponsor, and of course I knew that the marchers cared about more than ONLY abortion rights (which you notice I crossed through and called women's reproductive health issues instead. But the point I'm making is that Planned Parenthood cares ONLY about abortions, which is borne out by this week's report that something like only 3 out of 57 centers called said they provided "prenatal care services" and the others said they did not.

  4. Given what you write, I would guess that most of what you think you know regarding current events comes from conservative talk radio, and that you make no effort to verify the truth behind their reporting (I gave up on conservative talk radio as the source of anything other than lies and propaganda once I started trying to do this very thing and realized that their goal is to promote hatred rather than knowledge). Your belief that Planned Parenthood cares only about abortion is a case in point given that they only spend 3% of their income on abortion related services. As for the remainder, the highest amount they spend on anything is the 42% that they devote to sexually transmitted infections and diseases.

  5. Snow, I rechcked the article in National Review and the figures I gave were wrong. It was actually 5 of 97 P.P. locations contacted that provide prenatal care. There are also quotations from the persons contacted. You can read the article here. The information is startling and revealing about why they are in business. And it all traces back to Margaret Sanger, of course.

  6. "But the point I'm making is that Planned Parenthood cares ONLY about abortions, which is borne out by this week's report that something like only 3 out of 57 centers called said they provided "prenatal care services" and the others said they did not."

    Rhymes, Planned Parenthood never claimed to focus on prenatal care, so to do a sting that supposedly proves that it doesn’t focus on a service that it it never claimed to focus on doesn’t constitute an honest effort to get at the truth, but a smear tactic on the part of disreputable people who will gladly lie to accomplish their goal. Anyone can read Planned Parenthood’s budget, and prenatal care doesn’t even appear on its budget. Most of its money goes to testing for venereal diseases, to birth control, and to cancer screening. I know how thorough you are, so I know that you would have studied Planned Parenthood’s budget before writing a post devoted to the organization’s priorities, so how is it that you continue to insist that Planned Parenthood only cares about abortion when only 3% of its budget goes to abortion?

  7. Snow, I will cede to you the point that says only 3% of their income is spent on abortion-related services if you like, but it is supposed to be a fact that P.P. performs 30% of all abortions in America annually. I do not know where or by whom the other 70% take place, but I am pro-life (the opposite of which is pro-death, not pro-choice). I know some portion of them are "medically necessary" (whatever that means) but it is the ones that are not that grieve me especially. I think Mother Theresa of Calcutta said it is a poverty that a child must die so that you may live as you wish. I'm probably not quoting that correctly. One aborted fetus for the sake of convenience is too many, let alone millions each year. Our national conscience has been seared with a hot iron so that it is past feeling.

  8. Probably "hundreds of thousands" is more accurate than "millions"....

  9. Rhymes, here’s a short summary about when and why women have abortions:

    “I think Mother Theresa of Calcutta said it is a poverty that a child must die so that you may live as you wish”

    It sounds stupid enough (as I read it, though you obviously don’t agree) to have come from her. You’ll notice that that she (a) over-simplifies the issue (you would think that everyone who has an abortion is a callous witch who only cares about partying), and she (b) defines zygotes and fetuses as babies (as does everyone who opposes abortion), although this is not at all obvious to me.

    I am appalled that Christian-led states disingenuously pass such restrictive abortion laws that they force clinics to close, and then claim that they only did it to protect the health of the mother. By far, my greatest problem with Christians is they will violate their own ethical principals in order to achieve what they regard as some greater good (which is the very thing that they used to object to about Communism). And, of course, they tend to oppose the very social support that many women will need after being forced to have babies that they can’t afford, babies that are born deformed, births that kill their mothers during the birth process, and so on. Did you know that under American gag orders, clinics in countries that receive American money for medical support can’t even talk about birth control much less abortion, and I think things would go that way here if the mass of evangelicals had their way. Your distrust of liberals is certainly no more profound that my distrust of conservatives, but then I’m not a full-fledged liberal, and you’re not a full-fledged conservative by Trumpian standards. Every time I hear of some outrage from him, I wonder if my father-in-law is still glad he voted for him. How far does Trump have to go before his own people turn against him? Sometimes, it seems as if there is no limit, that what Trump is the truth and all the evidence against him be darned.


<b>I, Don[ald J.Trump] Quixote </b>

Dear Reader, Enclosed please find for your consideration and entertainment a completely unauthorized ramble through the gray matter o...