Friday, January 20, 2017

Wise words. Is anybody listening?


  1. A suspect that both sides of a divided nation are not listening.

  2. I hope that rather a lot of people are listening. World wide.

  3. wise words to share on the day that Trump entered The White House.

  4. I doubt it. But oh how I wish they would.

  5. Wise words indeed, but--and it's a big BUT--because I'm convinced that the mass of Republican politicians have no integrity and no conscience, I can but be glad that I don't have to work with them. Trump tells one lie after another--and does one horrible thing after another, like this immigration ban--but instead of calling him on it, they just remain silent. What are they thinking, and where is their basic sense of decency? I keep thinking that the day will come when they've had enough, that he's pushed them too far, but I think that day will only come when enough of their supporters have turned against Trump they know it is safe for them to speak out. There's no Jimmy Stewart kind of hero among the Republicans.

    Maybe you’ll appreciate this post— maybe not, but I think there’s something to it because there is surely a reason why Trump is choosing to keep his country and his security agencies perpetually off-balance. Maybe it just makes him feel important, or maybe there is a strategic reason for his elevation of Bannon and his support of Putin… So much for trusting the willingness of the other side to work together for the good of all. I just can’t do it, Rhymes because it would require that I believe that most elected Republicans are basically well-meaning and intelligent, and I don’t. It would take a lot for me to think less of them than I already do. Trump, I literally consider treasonous, but as for his party’s elected officials as a whole, I think they’re cowards.


<b>I, Don[ald J.Trump] Quixote </b>

Dear Reader, Enclosed please find for your consideration and entertainment a completely unauthorized ramble through the gray matter o...